Install or update the term checker for ASD-STE100


Refer to The design of the term checker for ASD-STE100.

When you install the term checker, you automatically agree to the legal conditions.

After you install the term checker, you will have this directory structure (not all files and directories are shown). In this example, ste8-term-checker is the installation directory:


If a problem occurs, refer to Troubleshooting.

1. Before you start the installation of the term checker

  1. If Java 8 is not on your computer, install Java 8 (
    The LanguageTool team recommends Oracle Java 8, but you can use other versions of Java. Refer to
  2. During the installation, you will edit XML files. Use an XML editor or a text editor that has syntax highlighting (
  3. The installation instructions refer to file name extensions (.jar, .xml, .zip) and paths. To prevent confusion, make sure that you can see the file name extensions and the path. For example, in Microsoft Windows:
    Windows Explorer shows full information about files
  4. Optional step, but recommended. Make sure that you can use LanguageTool with your computer.
  5. Optional step, but recommended. Prepare to use the term checker for ASD-STE100 issue 9. This version of the term checker will use JDK 17 (or a later version), not Java 8.
  6. Optional step. Install add-ons and plug-ins to integrate LanguageTool with other software. (You can do this task after you install the term checker, but it is better to make sure that the LanguageTool integrations operate correctly at this part of the installation process.)
  7. Contact TechScribe for a free trial. After your receive a link to the term checker, install the term checker. (You will download the term checker from the TechScribe website. As an alternative, you can download LanguageTool 6.5 from Then, you must make these changes to LanguageTool.)

2. Install the term checker

  1. In a convenient location, create this directory: ste8-term-checker.
  2. In ste8-term-checker, create this directory: data-files. (You will use this directory when you download the templates for your project terms.)
  3. In ste8-term-checker, download a compressed version of the term checker from the TechScribe website. The link is in the e-mail reply from TechScribe.
  4. Decompress the file.
  5. In lt65-ste, double-click languagetool.jar:
    Files and drectories in the ste8-term-checker directory
    LanguageTool will load these files from the TechScribe website: disambiguation-ste8-ste8-2025-01-23.xml, grammar-ste8-ste8-2025-01-23.xml, disambiguation-projectterms.xml, and grammar-projectterms.xml
    The total file size is approximately 4.5 megabytes. Thus, if your internet connection is slow, you must wait many seconds for LanguageTool to start.
  6. If LanguageTool does not automatically check the text, click Check Text.
    The screenshot shows what you will see.
    LanguageTool with default text
  7. In Text Language, select English (American) or English (British).
    You can select other variants of English. Possibly, you will not get a correct analysis for locale-specific spelling rules. Refer to Use American English spelling (unless other official directives tell you differently) (rule 1.14).)
  8. Optional step if the GUI language is not English. You will see many STE errors, because the default text is not English. Paste the default LanguageTool text into the term checker to see the default LanguageTool analysis of English text:
    This is a example input to to show you how LanguageTool works.
  9. LanguageTool has a small number of default rules that are in the LanguageTool Java code. Some default LanguageTool rules give unwanted error messages, as this example shows:
    LanguageTool shows unwanted error messages
    You can deactivate the rules that give unwanted error messages.
  10. Optionally, to see the primary problems that the term checker identifies, use sample-text-for-ste-term-checker.txt.
  11. Close LanguageTool.

3. Optional. Change the language on the interface to English

Initially, LanguageTool uses the default language of your operating system for the text on the interface (GUI language). Optionally, change the GUI language to English. The example shows Ukrainian to American English.

  1. Click the equivalent of Text Checking>Options.
    Ukrainian text on the LanguageTool interface
  2. Change the GUI language.
    Ukrainian text on the LanguageTool interface

4. Optional. Show error types in colour

It is possible to add an attribute to a rule to specify a Localization Quality Issue Type. The term checker uses the attribute values to add coloured backgrounds to the errors that it finds:
Errors have a coloured background

Colours show the type of error
Localization Quality Issue TypeColour (hexadecimal value)Meaning in the term checkerApplicable rules in ASD-STE100
Addition #FBDEBB One or more words is a possible proper noun, or a singular determiner is used before a non-count noun. The parts of 1.5 that are applicable to proper nouns (1.5.8, 1.5.10, 1.5.11, 1.5.15), 2.3
Characters #FF80FF A character is a semicolon or a non-standard character. 8.1
Grammar #C0FFC0 The tense is not an approved tense. 1.2, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
Inconsistency #E0E0C0 A not-approved word is used with a different part of speech. 1.1
Legal #D6D6D6 Prototype rules. (The rules are not available to most users.) None
Misspelling #D0E0D0 A word is approved, but the spelling is not correct. 1.14
Mistranslation #FFFF80 This error type is for semantics. One or more words are approved and the parts of speech are correct, but there is a possible semantic error. 1.3, 1.5, 1.12.4, 2.1, 2.2, 3.2 ('be to' + infinitive only), 3.6, 3.7, 7.1, 8.1, 9.2, 9.3, GR-1, GR-2, GR-4, GR-6
Non-conformance #FFC0FF A word contains a ligature or a sentence contains more than 20 alphanumeric tokens. 5.1
Omission #C0C000 A word is missing or a word is a contraction of an approved word. 2.3, 4.2
Other #FF9800 There is a disambiguation error or a character encoding error. None
Register #C0FFFF A word is approved, but it is not used with its approved part of speech. 1.2, 1.6, 1.7
Terminology #FFC0C0 A term is not-approved or there is a possible hyphenation error. 1.1, 1.4, 1.11, 3.1, 8.2
Untranslated #E0E0FF A word is unknown in ASD-STE100. 1.1

To show error types in colour

  1. Close LanguageTool.
  2. Open .languagetool.cfg in a text editor. (In Windows, .languagetool.cfg is usually in C:\Users\Your Name.)
  3. Add the line of code that follows:
    errorColors=addition:#FBDEBB, characters:#FF80FF, grammar:#C0FFC0, inconsistency:#E0E0C0, legal:#D6D6D6, misspelling:#D0E0D0, mistranslation:#FFFF80, non-conformance:#FFC0FF, omission:#C0C000, other:#FF9800, register:#C0FFFF, terminology:#FFC0C0, untranslated:#E0E0FF
    Put the line of code into one of these locations:
    • If .languagetool.cfg contains a line errorColors=, replace the text.
    • If .languagetool.cfg does not contain a line errorColors=, put the line of code at the end of the file (possibly, LanguageTool will change its position).
  4. Close .languagetool.cfg.
  5. Double-click languagetool.jar. Warnings about possible errors have a coloured background:
    Some errors have a coloured background
  6. Close LanguageTool.

5. Download the templates for your project terms

Although you can use the term checker if you do not do this procedure, you cannot add your technical terms to the term checker. Also, if TechScribe changes these templates when there is a new version of the term checker and if you use the files that are on the TechScribe website, errors can occur.

  1. Close LanguageTool.
  2. Download these files into the data-files directory:
  3. Edit lt65-ste\org\languagetool\resource\en\disambiguation.xml. In the line that contains ProjectTermsDisambiguationRules, change the path to the path of disambiguation-projectterms.xml on your computer.
    For example, change:
    <!ENTITY ProjectTermsDisambiguationRules SYSTEM "">
    <!ENTITY ProjectTermsDisambiguationRules SYSTEM "file:///D:/test/ste8-term-checker/data-files/disambiguation-projectterms.xml">
  4. Edit lt65-ste\org\languagetool\rules\en\grammar.xml. Change the line that contains ProjectTermsGrammarRules to the path of grammar-projectterms.xml on your computer.

You can now customize the rules to include the technical names and the technical verbs that your organization uses.

6. Optional. Install the LanguageTool n-gram data

The term checker does not find all possible semantic errors or part-of-speech errors. For information about the errors that the term checker finds, refer to 'Rules'.

LanguageTool can use n-grams and a statistical method to find possible errors. The n-gram data is very large. Thus, the installation of the n-gram data is separate from the installation of the stand-alone version of LanguageTool. To install the n-gram data, refer to

The screenshot shows examples of errors that the statistical method can find:
Some errors have a coloured background

In the example sentences, all the words are approved in ASD-STE100, but they are used incorrectly:

Update the term checker to use LanguageTool 6.5

LanguageTool is released 2 times each year ( Usually, a new version of the term checker is available approximately 1 week after the LanguageTool release. TechScribe will tell you by e-mail and on the RSS feed.

The files disambiguation.xml and grammar.xml contain your user/password data. You copy the files to the new version of the term checker. Then, you edit disambiguation.xml and grammar.xml to specify the location of the new files that are on the TechScribe website. Refer to The design of the term checker for ASD-STE100.

To update the term checker to use LanguageTool 6.5

  1. Close LanguageTool.
  2. In ste8-term-checker, download a compressed version of the term checker from the TechScribe website. The link is in an e-mail from TechScribe.
  3. Decompress the file to make the new directory \lt65-ste and its contents.
    You will have this directory structure (not all files and directories are shown):
  4. In lt64-ste\org\languagetool\resource\en\, copy disambiguation.xml to the equivalent directory in lt65-ste.
  5. Edit lt65-ste\org\languagetool\resource\en\disambiguation.xml to specify the new file disambiguation-ste8-2025-01-23.xml. Example:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE doc [
    <!ENTITY STE8DisambiguationRules SYSTEM "">
    [code deleted]
  6. In lt64-ste\org\languagetool\rules\en\, copy grammar.xml to the equivalent directory in lt65-ste.
  7. Edit lt65-ste\org\languagetool\rules\en\grammar.xml to specify the new file grammar-ste8-2025-01-23.xml.
  8. Double-click languagetool.jar to start the term checker.
  9. After you are sure that the new version of LanguageTool operates with the term checker rules, delete lt64-ste.
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