
During the installation of the term checker, some users get these Java error messages:

Some error messages are long, and you cannot see all the message (refer to the screenshot in the next section). Thus, get a text version of the Java error message.

If an error message has more than one line that start with Caused by:, then usually, the last Caused by: gives the root cause of the problem.

If you cannot solve the problem, contact TechScribe. If you send a Java error message, send the error message as text, not as an image.

To get a text version of a Java error message

  1. Close LanguageTool.
  2. Open the command line program. (In Microsoft Windows: Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.)
  3. In the command line program, change the directory to the installation directory.
  4. Start Languagetool from the command line: java -jar languagetool.jar
  5. LanguageTool starts and the error message appears. Close the error message and then close LanguageTool.
  6. The error message appears in the command line program. Copy the error message. (In Microsoft Windows, right-click>Select All. The text becomes black. Press the Enter key.)

Make sure that you can use LanguageTool with your computer

If the file association is not correct, you cannot start LanguageTool.

  1. Download ( and decompress it:
    LanguageTool directory
  2. In LanguageTool-6.5, double-click languagetool.jar and make sure that LanguageTool operates correctly. If you have problems with LanguageTool, get help from At this stage, the problem is not related to the term checker.)
    The screenshot shows English. You will see the default language for your operating system (you can change the language on the interface to English).

Prepare to use the term checker for ASD-STE100 issue 9

A change to LanguageTool will affect you if you want to use the TechScribe checker for ASD-STE100 issue 9, which will be available later in 2025. The LanguageTool change has no effect on the term checker for ASD-STE100 issue 8.

The term checker for ASD-STE100 issue 9 will use LanguageTool 6.6. To use LanguageTool 6.6, Java SDK 17 or a later version is necessary (

To use LanguageTool 6.6 with Java SDK 17 (or a later version)

  1. Close LanguageTool.
  2. Get Java SDK 17 or a later version from and install it.
    Note: "All other OpenJDK versions should also work, although there might be edge cases where the behavior of regex has changed" (
  3. Download and unzip
  4. At the command line, type: java -jar languagetool.jar
    A message appears, and then LanguageTool 6.6 snapshot starts.
    LanguageTool 6.6 snapshot

The system cannot find the path

Message: Caused by: ...

This error occurs if you incorrectly edit disambiguation.xml or grammar.xml in procedure Download the templates for your project terms. Make sure that the edited paths are correct.

The screenshot shows that system cannot find file:///D:/path-to-the-file/ste-term-checker/data-files/disambiguation-projectterms.xml.
An example Java error message

The system cannot find disambiguation-projectterms.xml because in disambiguation.xml, I removed the comments from the entity reference, but I did not change the file location:
<!ENTITY ProjectTermsDisambiguationRules SYSTEM "file:///D:/path-to-the-file/ste-term-checker/data-files/disambiguation-projectterms.xml">

On a small screen, you will see only part of the full error message. Possibly, you will see the line
Caused by: Cannot load or parse input stream of '/org/languagetool/rules/en/grammar.xml', but you will not see the line
Caused by: D:\path-to-the-file\ste-term-checker\data-files\disambiguation-projectterms.xml (The system cannot find the path specified). Thus, get a text version of a Java error message.

Test the access to external files

Messages: Connection timed out: connect. connection refused: connect.

If it is possible,get help from your IT department.

The term checker tries to access password-protected files that are on the TechScribe website. Possible causes of the error messages are as follows:

To help you to find the cause of the problem, test the access to external files that have no password protection. In the test, you will change the entity references to 'point' to these small files, which are not password-protected:

To test the access to external files that have no password protection

  1. In the installation directory, in ..\org\languagetool\resource\en\disambiguation.xml, paste this XML:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE doc [
    <!ENTITY STE8DisambiguationRules SYSTEM "">
    <rules lang="en" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
  2. In the installation directory, in ..\org\languagetool\rules\en\grammar.xml, paste this XML:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE doc [
    <!ENTITY STE8GrammarRules SYSTEM "">
    <rules lang="en" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xs="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
  3. Double-click languagetool.jar.
    If the term checker can access the external files, which are not password-protected, you will see the message:
    EXTERNAL ACCESS: SUCCESS. The term checker found the word 'LanguageTool'.
    Test the access to an external file

Increase the memory that is available to Java

Message: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

The message has two possible causes:

In this example, although LanguageTool starts, there is not sufficient memory. LanguageTool does not give an analysis of the text:
LanguageTool starts, but there is a heap space error

The solution is in two parts:

  1. Find the default memory that is is available to Java.
  2. Start LanguageTool with more than the default memory.

To find the default memory that is available to Java

The default memory that is available to Java is not the memory that your computer has. Refer to

  1. Open the command line program. (In Microsoft Windows: Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.)
  2. Enter this command: java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -version | findstr /i "HeapSize"
    The output shows the maximum heap size (MaxHeapSize) in bytes:
    C:\Users\Mike>java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -version | findstr /i "HeapSize"
        uintx ErgoHeapSizeLimit                         = 0                                   {product}
        uintx HeapSizePerGCThread                       = 87241520                            {product}
        uintx InitialHeapSize                          := 268435456                           {product}
        uintx LargePageHeapSizeThreshold                = 134217728                           {product}
        uintx MaxHeapSize                              := 4265607168                          {product}
    java version "1.8.0_211"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_211-b12)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.211-b12, mixed mode)

To start LanguageTool with more than the default memory

  1. In the command line program, change the directory to the installation directory.
  2. Start LanguageTool from the command line and use -Xmx to specify the maximum memory available to Java. The value of -Xmx must be more than the value of MaxHeapSize. Example:
    java -Xmx700m -jar languagetool.jar
    Note: MaxHeapSize shows the number of bytes, but -Xmx uses megabytes (m).
  3. Do one of these:
    • If LanguageTool opens and operates correctly, continue the installation of the term checker.
    • If the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space error occurs, do step 2 again, but increase the number of megabytes in -Xmx.
    • If the Error occurred during initialization of VM. Too small initial heap message occurs, do step 2 again, and make sure that you include m at the end of the value in -Xmx.

Note. You cannot use the Java Control Panel to specify the memory, because "The settings in the Java Control Panel are not used by standalone and self-contained applications."

Note. In Windows, you can use a batch file to start the term checker with extra memory. If you do not know how to make a batch file, decompress into the LanguageTool folder. (The batch file contains this command: java -Xmx1000m -jar languagetool.jar). To start the term checker, double-click ste-checker-extra-memory.bat.

Java does not trust the TechScribe SSL certificate

Message: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

Get help from your IT department.

For information about this error, refer to these web pages:

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