A to Z index
Atop of page
- access to external files, no password protection
- accuracy of term checker
- activating rules
- active voice (rule 3.6)
- adjectives
- adverbial phrases, missing commas after
- adverbs, adding to project terms
- ambiguity
- American English, default spelling (rule 1.14)
- analysis of text
- approved word, semantically incorrect (rule 1.6)
- articles (rule 2.3)
- ASD-STE100 issue 6, rules (archive)
- ASD-STE100 issue 7, rules (archive)
- ASD-STE100 software, different to the term checker
Btop of page
- background colours, for error types
- basic features of the term checker, video
- BE + TO, not approved in some contexts (rule 3.2)
- British English
- buy the term checker
Ctop of page
- changes to the term checker
- colours, for error types
- command line program, for large files
- commas, missing after adverbial phrases
- conjoined noun phrases
- contact TechScribe
- correct text, example of
- cost of the term checker
- customers, use the term checker
- customization
Dtop of page
- dashes (rule 8.2)
- deactivating rules
- default memory for Java, finding
- demonstrative adjectives (rule 2.3)
- deselecting rules
- design, disambiguation.xml
- determiners, with non-count nouns (rule 2.3)
- directory structure
- disambiguation
- disambiguation-projectterms.xml
- disambiguation-ste8.xml, purpose
- disambiguation.xml
Etop of page
- emphatic 'do', not approved (rule 3.2)
- end of sentence, not found by LanguageTool
- error messages in Java, getting a text version
- error types, show in colour
- external files, testing access to
Ftop of page
- features
- features of the term checker, video
- folder structure
- FontoXML Content Quality App, with the term checker
- free trial
Gtop of page
- get the term checker
- Global English Style Guide, rules
- glossary
- grammar errors, warnings for some errors
- grammar-projectterms.xml
- grammar-ste8.xml
- grammar.xml
- grammatical ambiguity
Htop of page
- highlight colours, for error types
- history of changes to the term checker
- HTML files, analysis with JSON
Itop of page
J - Ktop of page
- Java
Ltop of page
- LanguageTool HTTP server
- LanguageTool interface, changing the language to English
- LanguageTool Options dialog box
- LanguageTool screen
- LanguageTool
- large files, analysing with the command line program
- legal conditions
- licence, term checker
- list items, specifying the structure of
- local files version
Mtop of page
- markup, files with, analysis with JSON
- match position, different in JSON and GUI
- meanings
- metric units of measurement, not in term checker
- Microsoft Word
- multi-user installation
Ntop of page
- n-gram data, installing
- n-grams, for disambiguation
- non-count nouns, with determiners (rule 2.3)
- noun clusters
- noun inflections, not approved (page 2-0-5)
- noun phrases, conjoined
- numbers (rule 1.5.9)
Otop of page
- overview, of the term checker
- Oxford spelling
- Oxygen XML Editor
P - Qtop of page
- parts of speech
- passive voice (rule 3.6)
- patterns in text, for disambiguation
- phrasal verbs (rule 9.3)
- POS tags, incorrectly removed by LanguageTool
- precision of term checker
- prepositional phrases, and subject-verb agreement
- price of the term checker
- project rules, testing
- project terms
- pronouns
- proper nouns (rule 1.5), automatically identified
- purchase the term checker
Rtop of page
Stop of page
- search this website
- selecting rules
- semantic ambiguity
- semantics, and spelling
- sentence ends, not found by LanguageTool
- Simplified Technical English. See ASD-STE100
- software, not necessary for ASD-STE100
- spelling checker
- spelling errors, not found
- spelling
- statistical methods, to find errors
- STE. See ASD-STE100
- structure
- subject-verb agreement, and prepositional phrases
Ttop of page
- technical names
- technical terms, defined
- technical verbs, adding for disambiguation
- technical writers, do not want ASD-STE100
- TechScribe, contact
- templates, for your project terms
- term checker
- better analysis than some alternative checkers
- changes to
- design
- differences between versions
- disambiguator is different from LanguageTool disambiguator
- evaluation
- features
- history
- installation
- installation for Oxygen XML Editor
- LanguageTool add-in for Microsoft Word
- local files version
- problems of analysis
- remote files version
- rules for ASD-STE issue 8
- rules for Global English Style Guide
- use with other software
- terms, defined
- testing XML rules
- testrules
- the system cannot find the path
- 'this' (pronoun, rule GR-4)
- trial of the term checker, free
- troubleshooting
Utop of page
- unapproved word is a TN (rule 1.6)
- units of measurement (rule 1.5.9)
- unwanted LanguageTool rules, deselecting
- update, remote files version to the local files version
- updates
Vtop of page
- verb forms, approved (rule 3.5)
- verbs, use a verb not a noun (rule 3.7)
- videos, basic features of the term checker
Wtop of page
X - Z top of page
© TechScribe Sheffield, South Yorkshire. Page updated 2024-10-01