A to Z index

Atop of page

  1. access to external files, no password protection
  2. accuracy of term checker
  3. activating rules
  4. active voice (rule 3.6)
  5. adjectives
    1. adding to project terms
    2. demonstrative (rule 2.3)
  6. adverbial phrases, missing commas after
  7. adverbs, adding to project terms
  8. ambiguity
    1. grammatical and semantic
    2. in conjoined noun phrases
  9. American English, default spelling (rule 1.14)
  10. analysis of text
    1. for sentences only
    2. grammar and semantics
  11. approved word, semantically incorrect (rule 1.6)
  12. articles (rule 2.3)
  13. ASD-STE100 issue 6, rules (archive)
  14. ASD-STE100 issue 7, rules (archive)
  15. ASD-STE100 software, different to the term checker

Btop of page

  1. background colours, for error types
  2. basic features of the term checker, video
  3. BE + TO, not approved in some contexts (rule 3.2)
  4. British English
  5. buy the term checker

Ctop of page

  1. changes to the term checker
  2. colours, for error types
  3. command line program, for large files
  4. commas, missing after adverbial phrases
  5. conjoined noun phrases
  6. contact TechScribe
  7. correct text, example of
  8. cost of the term checker
  9. customers, use the term checker
  10. customization

Dtop of page

  1. dashes (rule 8.2)
  2. deactivating rules
  3. default memory for Java, finding
  4. demonstrative adjectives (rule 2.3)
  5. deselecting rules
  6. design, disambiguation.xml
  7. determiners, with non-count nouns (rule 2.3)
  8. directory structure
  9. disambiguation
    1. concepts
    2. parts of speech
  10. disambiguation-projectterms.xml
    1. adding terms
    2. concepts
  11. disambiguation-ste8.xml, purpose
  12. disambiguation.xml

Etop of page

  1. emphatic 'do', not approved (rule 3.2)
  2. end of sentence, not found by LanguageTool
  3. error messages in Java, getting a text version
  4. error types, show in colour
  5. external files, testing access to

Ftop of page

  1. features
  2. features of the term checker, video
  3. folder structure
  4. FontoXML Content Quality App, with the term checker
  5. free trial

Gtop of page

  1. get the term checker
  2. Global English Style Guide, rules
  3. glossary
  4. grammar errors, warnings for some errors
  5. grammar-projectterms.xml
    1. adding terms
    2. concepts
  6. grammar-ste8.xml
    1. concepts
    2. design of
  7. grammar.xml
  8. grammatical ambiguity

Htop of page

  1. highlight colours, for error types
  2. history of changes to the term checker
  3. HTML files, analysis with JSON

Itop of page

  1. imperative (rule 5.3)
  2. imperial units of measurement
  3. incorrect text, example of
  4. installation
    1. multi-user
    2. term checker

J - Ktop of page

  1. Java
    1. default memory
    2. does not trust the TechScribe SSL certificate
    3. increasing the available memory
    4. installation
    5. text version of error messages
  2. JSON

Ltop of page

  1. LanguageTool HTTP server
  2. LanguageTool interface, changing the language to English
  3. LanguageTool Options dialog box
  4. LanguageTool screen
    1. examples of errors
    2. right-click popup
    3. with popup message for an error
  5. LanguageTool
    1. add-in for Microsoft Word
    2. command line program
    3. defects
    4. deselecting unwanted rules
    5. does not always find the end of a sentence
    6. starting with more than the default memory
    7. structure
    8. TechScribe changes
    9. testing
    10. use with other software
  6. large files, analysing with the command line program
  7. legal conditions
  8. licence, term checker
  9. list items, specifying the structure of
  10. local files version
    1. compared to remote files version
    2. legal conditions

Mtop of page

  1. markup, files with, analysis with JSON
  2. match position, different in JSON and GUI
  3. meanings
    1. approved (rule 1.3)
    2. in multi-word terms (rule 1.3)
  4. metric units of measurement, not in term checker
  5. Microsoft Word
    1. LanguageTool add-in
    2. with the term checker
  6. multi-user installation

Ntop of page

  1. n-gram data, installing
  2. n-grams, for disambiguation
  3. non-count nouns, with determiners (rule 2.3)
  4. noun clusters
    1. simplifying (part of rule 2.2)
    2. technical names (rule 1.5 and rule 2.1)
  5. noun inflections, not approved (page 2-0-5)
  6. noun phrases, conjoined
  7. numbers (rule 1.5.9)

Otop of page

  1. overview, of the term checker
  2. Oxford spelling
  3. Oxygen XML Editor
    1. installation for term checker
    2. with the term checker

P - Qtop of page

  1. parts of speech
    1. ambiguous
    2. approved (rule 1.2)
  2. passive voice (rule 3.6)
  3. patterns in text, for disambiguation
  4. phrasal verbs (rule 9.3)
  5. POS tags, incorrectly removed by LanguageTool
  6. precision of term checker
  7. prepositional phrases, and subject-verb agreement
  8. price of the term checker
  9. project rules, testing
  10. project terms
    1. adding for disambiguation
    2. adding to give messages to technical writers
    3. not-approved in ASD-STE100
    4. templates
  11. pronouns
    1. 'this'
    2. rule GR-4
  12. proper nouns (rule 1.5), automatically identified
  13. purchase the term checker

Rtop of page

  1. recall of term checker
  2. remote files version, compared to remote files version
  3. rules, selecting

Stop of page

  1. search this website
  2. selecting rules
  3. semantic ambiguity
  4. semantics, and spelling
  5. sentence ends, not found by LanguageTool
  6. Simplified Technical English. See ASD-STE100
  7. software, not necessary for ASD-STE100
  8. spelling checker
  9. spelling errors, not found
  10. spelling
    1. British English, z not s
    2. Oxford
  11. statistical methods, to find errors
  12. STE. See ASD-STE100
  13. structure
    1. of directories for the term checker
    2. of LanguageTool
  14. subject-verb agreement, and prepositional phrases

Ttop of page

  1. technical names
    1. adding to give messages to technical writers
    2. noun clusters (rule 1.5 and rule 2.1)
  2. technical terms, defined
  3. technical verbs, adding for disambiguation
  4. technical writers, do not want ASD-STE100
  5. TechScribe, contact
  6. templates, for your project terms
  7. term checker
    1. better analysis than some alternative checkers
    2. changes to
    3. design
    4. differences between versions
    5. disambiguator is different from LanguageTool disambiguator
    6. evaluation
    7. features
    8. history
    9. installation
    10. installation for Oxygen XML Editor
    11. LanguageTool add-in for Microsoft Word
    12. local files version
    13. problems of analysis
    14. remote files version
    15. rules for ASD-STE issue 8
    16. rules for Global English Style Guide
    17. use with other software
  8. terms, defined
  9. testing XML rules
  10. testrules
  11. the system cannot find the path
  12. 'this' (pronoun, rule GR-4)
  13. trial of the term checker, free
  14. troubleshooting

Utop of page

  1. unapproved word is a TN (rule 1.6)
  2. units of measurement (rule 1.5.9)
  3. unwanted LanguageTool rules, deselecting
  4. update, remote files version to the local files version
  5. updates
    1. local files version
    2. remote files version

Vtop of page

  1. verb forms, approved (rule 3.5)
  2. verbs, use a verb not a noun (rule 3.7)
  3. videos, basic features of the term checker

Wtop of page

  1. warnings, getting more information
  2. website, search
  3. workflows, examples

X - Z top of page

  1. XML files, analysis with JSON
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