This list of changes shows only the most important changes. 2024-07-03 disambiguation-ste8.xml - Added neutral/STE_TN_NOUN_SINGULAR_NON_COUNT. This TN given in centralize (v) - Improved many rules. disambiguation-projectterms.xml - Corrected the POS for PROJECT_TN_SINGULAR_2_WORD-R-1-5-3-OXYGEN-MASKS to PROJECT_TN_NOUN_MULTI_WORD_PLURAL_n. - Added rules in comments that ignore semicolons that are in an index. Refer to en-GB/grammar.xml - Added PROJECT_RULE_1_14_APPROVED_WORD_INCORRECT_SPELLING_METER Refer to 2024-04-03 General Simplified the installation procedure and the update procedure. disambiguation-ste8.xml - Added missing POS tags: medical/STE_ADJECTIVE_BASE middles/STE_NOUN_PLURAL mode/STE_NOUN_SINGULAR_NON_COUNT (approved example in valid (adj)) primer/STE_TN_NOUN_SINGULAR_NON_COUNT (approved example in triple (adj)) compound/STE_TN_NOUN_SINGULAR_NON_COUNT sound/STE_NOUN_SINGULAR_NON_COUNT - Added postag CLOSE_BRACKET for closing brackets. Examples: ), ], } - Removed incorrect POS tag: middle/STE_NOUN_SINGULAR_NON_COUNT - Improved many rules. disambiguation-projectterms.xml - Removed IGNORE_ONLY_NOUNS (which was experimental, and in comments). - Added CLOSE_BRACKET to the 'ambiguous' example in disambiguation-projectterms.xml/PROJECT_SENTENCE_START grammar-ste8.xml - Added these rules: STE_NOT_APPROVED_synchronise_SYNCHRONISED (for the verb) STE_CHECKER_GRAMMAR_SVA_PLURAL_HEAD_1_SINGULAR_PREPOSITIONAL_PHRASE - Improved STE_RULE_1_7_USE_A_TN_UOM_ONLY_AS_A_NOUN - Removed STE_APPROVED_WORD_INCORRECT_SPELLING_synchronised_SYNCHRONISED and added PROJECT_RULE_1_14_APPROVED_ADJECTIVE_INCORRECT_OXFORD_SPELLING to en-gb/style.xml grammar-projectterms.xml - Removed these rules and added them to \org\languagetool\rules\en\en-GB\grammar.xml PROJECT_RULE_1_14_APPROVED_VERB_INCORRECT_OXFORD_SPELLING PROJECT_RULE_1_14_APPROVED_VERB_INCORRECT_OXFORD_SPELLING_AND_INFLECTION PROJECT_RULE_1_14_APPROVED_VERB_INCORRECT_SPELLING PROJECT_RULE_1_14_APPROVED_NOUN_INCORRECT_OXFORD_SPELLING PROJECT_APPROVED_WORD_INCORRECT_SPELLING_gray_GRAY (added to en-GB/grammar.xml as PROJECT_RULE_1_14_APPROVED_WORD_INCORRECT_SPELLING_GRAY) \org\languagetool\rules\en\en-GB\grammar.xml This file is for rules that are applicable to British English only. It is not necessary for you to change the rules in this file. Refer to - Added PROJECT_RULE_1_14_BRE_CONTAINS_AME_SPELLING_NOUNS. 2024-01-08 disambiguation-ste8.xml - Improved many rules, specially for hyphenated adjectives (refer to STE rule 8.2.1). disambiguation-projectterms.xml - Added PROJECT_TN_SINGULAR_NON_COUNT_2_WORD-BLOOD_POISONING-R-1-5-14 as an example of a 2-word noun-count noun. - Removed PROJECT_TN_NOUN_SINGULAR_2_WORD-R-1-5-19_RESTART_FILE and PROJECT_TN_NOUN_SINGULAR_2_WORD-R-1-5-19_RESTART_FILES - Added PROJECT_TN_NOUN_SINGULAR_2_WORD-R-1-5-19_BACKUP_FILE and PROJECT_TN_NOUN_SINGULAR_2_WORD-R-1-5-19_BACKUP_FILES The term 'restart file' is not a standard term. 'Backup file' is an example term in rule 1.5.19. grammar-ste8.xml - Improved STE_APPROVED_MEANING_quantity_QUANTITY_QUANTITIES - Added these rules: STE_NOT_APPROVED_alternately_ALTERNATELY (the rule was missing) STE_APPROVED_MEANING_how-many_HOW-MANY STE_APPROVED_MEANING_how-much_HOW-MUCH - Removed STE_APPROVED_MEANING_come-up-against_COME_COMES_CAME-UP-AGAINST - Added STE_PHRASAL_VERB_come-up-against_COME_COMES_CAME-UP-AGAINST - Removed STE_NOT_APPROVED_fall_FALL_FALLS - Added STE_APPROVED_POS_fall_FALLS, STE_APPROVED_POS_fall_FALL (the verb is approved and the noun is not-approved) - Category STE_RULE_8_2_WORDS Removed the rule for hyphenated terms that contain 2 hyphens (soap-and-water, trial-and-error), because it is does not help writers to correct errors. Rule 1.1 finds all unknown terms. Removed the rules for not-approved terms. grammar-projectterms.xml - Rulegroup PROJECT_RULE_1_11 changed type from 'mistranslation' to 'terminology'. The effect of the change is to change the highlight colour. - Added PROJECT_RULE_1_11_HYPHENATED_ADJECTIVES - Editorial changes to PROJECT_APPROVED_MEANING_fall_FALL_FALLS_FELL_FALLEN 2023-10-09 disambiguation-ste8.xml - Improved many rules, specially for proper nouns. grammar-ste8.xml - Removed STE_RULE_3_1_HAVE - Added these rules: STE_RULE_3_1_BECOME_COME_HAVE_OCCUR STE_RULE_1_1_NOT_APPROVED_VERB_INFLECTION_AM_USED_AS_A_NOUN STE_GR4_THIS STE_CHECKER_GRAMMAR_SVA_SINGULAR_HEAD_1_PLURAL_PREPOSITIONAL_PHRASE - Improved these rules: STE_APPROVED_POS_those_THOSE. The rule finds errors with unknown nouns that come after 'those'. STE_RULE_1_7_USE_A_TN_UOM_ONLY_AS_A_NOUN grammar-projectterms - PROJECT_RULE_1_14_APPROVED_VERB_INCORRECT_SPELLING. Removed the example: 'Spilt Milk Marketing' is a vibrant design agency. Because of changes to the disambiguation for proper nouns, 'Spilt Milk Marketing' is not identified as a proper noun. - PROJECT_NOT_APPROVED_ABORT, PROJECT_NOT_APPROVED_BOOT, PROJECT_NOT_APPROVED_REBOOT In each rule, corrected the exception to include IS_NNP. 2023-07-15 disambiguation-ste8.xml - STE_TN_NOUN_SINGULAR_1_WORD_CASE_SENSITIVE_PREFIX_SYMBOL_UNIT_SYMBOL Removed the unit abbreviation t (for tonne) because 'tonne' is not in the term checker as an approved unit of measurement. ('Tonne' is not an SI unit of measurement, although it is approved for use with SI ( Removed 'deka' as a prefix for SI units of measurement. The SI brochure tells you that “Small spelling variations occur in the language of the English-speaking countries (for instance, "metre" and "meter", "litre" and "liter")." SI-Brochure-9-EN.pdf, p 124 ( But, for American English, 'deka' is a variant of the preferred spelling 'deca' ( Added SI units of measurement for the ronna~, quetta~, ronto~, and quecto~ prefixes. - Changed the rules for proper nouns to prevent incorrect analysis for text that is all uppercase. - Change the POS for past participle 'had' from had/STE_VERB_LEXICAL_PP to STE_INFLECTION_NOT_APPROVED_VERB_LEXICAL_PP - Improved many rules. grammar-ste8.xml - Added STE_RULE_1_7_USE_A_TN_UOM_ONLY_AS_A_NOUN to find basic errors with UoM abbreviations 'am' (attometre) and 'dam' (decametre), which are dictionary words in standard English. - Added STE_RULE_3_1_HAVE to find past participle 'had' (affirmative sentences only) - Added STE_LIGATURES to category STE_CHECKER_DEBUG. (The rule was STE_SETUP_LIGATURES in category STE_SETUP.) - Changed STE_RULE_3_5_ING_MULTI_WORDS to STE_RULE_3_5_ING_2_WORD - Changed the type for category STE_CHECKER_GESG from 'register' to 'mistranslation', because the rule is for style and semantic errors. - Removed category STE_SETUP because it is not necessary. Rule 1.1 finds the unknown words. grammar-projectterms - Added PROJECT_NOT_APPROVED_NOT_SI_P-S-I. (The rule was STE_SETUP_NOT_SI_UNIT_psi_P-S-I in category STE_SETUP.) 2023-04-06 disambiguation-ste8.xml - Changed the rules for automatic detection of proper nouns. Refer to www.simplified-english/analysis.html#technical-names-proper-nouns - Added STE_TN_SINGULAR_1_WORD_CASE_SENSITIVE-R-1-5-7 (for pH). - Removed PROPER_NOUN_WITH_TRADEMARK_SYMBOLS because it is not necessary. - Improved many rules. disambiguation-projectterms.xml - Removed 'sun' from PROJECT_TN_SINGULAR_NON_COUNT_1_WORD-R-1-5-8 - Added PROJECT_TN_NOUN_SINGULAR_1_WORD-THE-SUN-R-1-5-8" because the usual term is 'the sun' (Do not look at the sun). In the sentence that follows, 'sun' is identified as an unknown word: Too much sun is bad for you. grammar-ste8.xml - For grammar rules, changed the highlight position to be on one word only (the first word or the last word of incorrect text). The message contains the full incorrect text. Two important results of the change are as follows: 1) If an error is related to 2 or more words, the highlighted text does not hide other possible errors in the pattern. 2) Grammar rules for approved terms, not-approved terms, and unknown terms are not necessary. One grammar rule is sufficient. - Added these rules and rulegroups: STE_APPROVED_MEANING_push_PUSH_PUSHES_PUSHED STE_RULE_1_1_NOT_APPROVED_VERB_USED_AS_A_PREPOSITION STE_RULE_1_5_PROPER_NOUN_FILE_NAME STE_RULE_2_3_ARTICLE_BEFORE_NON_COUNT_NOUN STE_RULE_2_3_ART_ADJ_BEFORE_NOUN_2_WORD STE_RULE_2_3_ARTICLE_BEFORE_NON_COUNT_NOUN_1_WORD STE_RULE_2_3_ARTICLE_BEFORE_NON_COUNT_NOUN_2_WORD. - Added STE_RULE_3_4_HAVE_PAST_PARTICIPLE - Removed these rules: STE_RULE_3_4_HAVE_PAST_PARTICIPLE_APPROVED STE_RULE_3_4_HAVE_PAST_PARTICIPLE_NOT_APPROVED STE_RULE_3_4_HAVE_PAST_PARTICIPLE_UNKNOWN STE_RULE_3_4_HAVE_PAST_PARTICIPLE_HAVE_BEEN. - Changed STE_RULE_3_6_USE_THE_ACTIVE_VOICE to include not-approved verbs and unknown verbs. - Removed these rules: - STE_RULE_3_6_USE_THE_ACTIVE_VOICE_NOT_APPROVED - STE_RULE_3_6_USE_THE_ACTIVE_VOICE_NOT_UNKNOWN - Changed STE_RULE_3_3_GET_PAST_PARTICIPLE to give a message only for approved past participles. 2023-01-20 disambiguation-ste8.xml - Removed REMOVE_POSTAGS_FOR_NON_STANDARD_CAPITALIZATION. Before the change, the rule removed project POS from project terms that have non-standard capitalization. Example: rDNA. - Changed the disambiguation to use postags to make sure that the rules do not give postags to terms that contain non-standard capitalization. disambiguation-projectterms.xml - added PROJECT_TN_SINGULAR_NON_COUNT_1_WORD-R-1-5-5 and corrected the POS for 'infrastructure' (non-count in standard English). grammar-ste8.xml - Added category STE_RULE_2_3 - Added these rules: STE_RULE_1_1_NOT_APPROVED_PREPOSITION_USED_AS_AN_ADJECTIVE STE_APPROVED_MEANING_descend_DESCEND_DESCENDS_DESCENDED - Changed the rules to make incorrect typography give only an 'unknown word' message. Example: The FUNctions are not correct. Before the change, the term checker also gave a warning to tell you to make sure that the part of speech for FUNctions was correct. - Removed these rules because the new STE_RULE_2_3 finds errors: STE_APPROVED_MEANING_in-short_IN-SHORT STE_APPROVED_MEANING_on-top-of_ON-TOP-OF STE_APPROVED_MEANING_out-of-date_OUT-OF-DATE - Removed these rules, because STE_APPROVED_POS_as_AS finds the errors: STE_APPROVED_MEANING_as-and-when_AS-AND-WHEN STE_APPROVED_MEANING_as-it-were_AS-IT-WERE - Removed STE_NOT_APPROVED_picket_PICKETTED because the spelling 'picketted' is not correct. grammar-ste8.xml (revision 1, update 2023-02-06) - Change the type of these rules and categories to show the correct colour: STE_RULE_3_5 (grammar error, green) STE_RULE_3_6 (passive voice is approved in some contexts. Semantic error, yellow) STE_GR1_THAT_MAKE_SURE (recommendation, not a rule. Semantic error, yellow) grammar-projectterms - Removed some spaces in these rules to prevent a testrules warning ( PROJECT_NOT_APPROVED_ABORT PROJECT_NOT_APPROVED_BOOT 2022-11-01 disambiguation-projectterms.xml In the term checker, disambiguation rule REMOVE_POSTAGS_FOR_NON_STANDARD_CAPITALIZATION removes part-of-speech (POS) data from words that have non-standard capitalization, for example 'WATer'. This rule is not correct, because it removes the POS from technical terms that have non-standard capitalization, for example, 'rDNA' (ribosomal DNA). The next version of the term checker (January 2023) will not remove POS data. Added postags to the rules to make sure that in the next version of the term checker, the term checker will give a warning for a project term that has incorrect non-standard capitalization, for example, 'DRIVEshaft'. 2022-10-05 disambiguation-ste8.xml - Removed 'rope' from STE_TN_SINGULAR_1_WORD-R-1-5-4. If you use the word 'rope' as a non-count noun for a material, add it to your copy of disambiguation-projectterms. - Removed STE_TN_NOUN_PROPER_UNITED-STATES because you must decide the correct term for the country (United States, or United States of America). If necessary, add the term to your copy of disambiguation-projectterms. - Corrected the disambiguation for proper nouns. Two or more words that start with a capital letter and that are not in quote marks are not identified as proper nouns if one or more of the words is not approved. disambiguation-projectterms - removed 'permutation' from rule PROJECT_TN_SINGULAR_1_WORD-R-1-5-7 grammar-ste8.xml - Added STE_RULE_1_7_USE_A_TN_ONLY_AS_A_NOUN_3_WORD - Corrected STE_RULE_1_1_USE_APPROVED_WORDS to make the rules find unknown terms that are followed with the non-standard punctuation: 's - Removed these rules and rulegroups because other rules find the errors: STE_RULE_1_1_TERM_CONTAINS_UNDERSCORE STE_RULE_8_2_3_NUMBERS STE_RULE_8_2_3_LETTERS X_STE_RULE_1_1_PREFIX_SUFFIX STE_RULE_1_1_ADJECTIVES_SUFFIX grammar-projectterms - Changed the category ID from PROJECT_TERMS to PROJECT_RULES - Added rulegroup PROJECT_FORMATTING - Added rule STE_APPROVED_MEANING_back_BACKS (incorrectly removed in a previous update) - Changed these rules: PROJECT_RULE_1_14_APPROVED_VERB_INCORRECT_SPELLING to PROJECT_RULE_1_14_APPROVED_VERB_INCORRECT_OXFORD_SPELLING PROJECT_RULE_1_14_APPROVED_VERB_INCORRECT_SPELLING_AND_INFLECTION to PROJECT_RULE_1_14_APPROVED_VERB_INCORRECT_OXFORD_SPELLING_AND_INFLECTION PROJECT_RULE_1_14_APPROVED_NOUN_INCORRECT_SPELLING to PROJECT_RULE_1_14_APPROVED_ADJECTIVE_INCORRECT_SPELLING to PROJECT_RULE_1_14_APPROVED_VERB_INCORRECT_SPELLING. Improved the rule 2022-07-08 General Added an error colour for capitalization. disambiguation-ste8.xml - Added these rules: STE_NOT_APPROVED_PHRASE_2_WORD-SUCH-AS STE_NOT_APPROVED_ADVERB_2_WORD-NO-LONGER - Corrected the POS for these 2-word non-count TN: air conditioning alternating current direct current elapsed time heat treatment penetrant spray safety wire stainless steel standard deviation voice mail volcanic ash - Removed the preposition 'back of' (it was removed in STE issue 7) - Removed these rules: STE_NOT_APPROVED_VERB_LEXICAL_PAST_3_WORD-GAVE-RISE-TO STE_INFLECTION_NOT_APPROVED_TVb_PRESENT_PARTICIPLE_2_WORD-LOGGING-OFF ('log off' is a project verb) - Added these words: earth/STE_NOT_APPROVED_NOUN_SINGULAR_1_WORD earths/STE_NOT_APPROVED_NOUN_PLURAL_1_WORD - Improved many rules. disambiguation-projectterms.xml - Corrected the POS in PROJECT_TN_SINGULAR_2_WORD-R-1-5-3-OXYGEN-MASK and PROJECT_TN_PLURAL_1_WORD-R-1-5-6 from STE_ to PROJECT_ grammar-ste8.xml - Added rulegroup STE_RULE_1_5_POSSIBLE_TN. Refer to - Added exceptions for present participle adjectives to the rules for not-approved verbs, if the exception was missing. - If possible, removed 2 or 3 rules for a not-approved adjective and replaced them with one rule for 3 inflections. Example: Removed: STE_NOT_APPROVED_round_ROUND, STE_NOT_APPROVED_round_ROUNDER, STE_NOT_APPROVED_round_ROUNDEST Added: STE_NOT_APPROVED_round_ROUND_ROUNDER_ROUNDEST - Category STE_RULE_3_1. Changed type="mistranslation" to type="terminology" grammar-projectterms - Improved PROJECT_APPROVED_MEANING_foot_FOOT_FEET - Added a rulegroup PROJECT_RULE_7_1 - Corrected the messages in these rules: STE_APPROVED_MEANING_lock-on_LOCK_LOCKS_LOCKED-ON STE_APPROVED_MEANING_switch-off_SWITCH_SWITCHES_SWITCHED-OFF STE_APPROVED_MEANING_switch-on_SWITCH_SWITCHES_SWITCHED-ON 2022-04-04 disambiguation-ste8.xml - Removed rule STE_TN_O-CLOCK. If necessary, add a project TN for a 2-word TN such as 2 O'CLOCK POSITION. - Improved many rules. grammar-ste8.xml - Changed STE_RULE_2_1_NOUN_CLUSTERS to find only approved nouns and TNs. - Removed these rules: STE_APPROVED_MEANING_fall_FALLS and other inflections. STE_APPROVED_MEANING_paste_PASTE and other inflections. STE_APPROVED_POS_support_SUPPORT STE_APPROVED_TN_support_SUPPORTS - Removed STE_RULE_3_2_BE_TO_INFINITIVE_NOT_APPROVED and STE_RULE_3_2_BE_TO_INFINITIVE_UNKNOWN Changed STE_RULE_3_2_BE_TO_INFINITIVE to make it find all lexical verbs (approved, not-approved, unknown). The marker position is changed and the highlighted text is not on the past participle. - Removed STE_RULE_3_2_EMPHATIC_DO_NOT_APPROVED and STE_RULE_3_2_EMPHATIC_DO_UNKNOWN. Changed STE_RULE_3_2_EMPHATIC_DO to make it find all lexical verbs (approved, not-approved, unknown). The marker position is changed and the highlighted text is not on the infinitive. - Removed the 3 rules in rulegroup STE_RULE_3_4_BE_TO_BE. Added rule STE_RULE_3_4_BE_TO_BE_PP. The marker position is changed and the highlighted text is not on the past participle. - Added exceptions for past participle adjectives to the rules for not-approved verbs, if the exception was missing. - Added these rules: STE_RULE_1_1_NOT_APPROVED_ADJECTIVE_USED_AS_AN_ADVERB STE_NOT_APPROVED_fall_FALL_FALLS STE_APPROVED_MEANING_product_PRODUCT_PRODUCTS STE_APPROVED_MEANING_support_SUPPORT_SUPPORTS STE_RULE_1_5_PROPER_NOUN_E_MAIL STE_RULE_1_5_PROPER_NOUN_URL grammar-projectterms - Added rulegroup PROJECT_RULE_1_3 and some example rules. 2022-01-07 disambiguation-ste8.xml - Improved many rules. grammar-ste8.xml - Category STE_RULE_1_1_NOT_APPROVED. For each term that has inflections, if a 1:1 replacement with an approved alternative is not possible, merged the rules for the term to make 1 rule for each term. - Category STE_RULE_3_7. For each term, merged the rules for singular nouns and plural nouns into one rule. - STE_APPROVED_POS_use_USE, STE_APPROVED_POS_use_USES. Corrected the replacement text from 'use' to 'operation'. 2021-11-02 grammar-ste8.xml, revision 1. - STE_RULE_1_1_NOT_APPROVED. Corrected the exceptions for words that are not-approved as a noun and as a verb (for example, 'route'). - Corrected the typography in some warnings. 2021-10-25 This is the first version of the term checker for ASD-ST100 issue 8. disambiguation-ste8.xml - Removed these categories or rulegroups: PLAIN_ENGLISH_APPROVED STE_APPROVED_ALTERNATIVE_SPELLING. Most of these terms were British English but not the Oxford spelling. - Changed these postags: POS STE_TN_NOUN_NUMBER_CARDINAL_EXCEPT_ONE. Use the LanguageTool postag CD (=cardinal number). POS STE_TN_NUMBER_ORDINAL. Use the LanguageTool postag ORD (=ordinal number). - Removed TN that are not-approved verbs and that are not given as TN in rule 1.5 or shown as TN in the dictionary. - Improved many rules. disambiguation-projectterms.xml - Added TN that are not in rule 1.5 or not shown as TN in the dictionary and which were in the term checker. - Added TV that are not in rule 1.12 and which were in the term checker. grammar-ste8.xml - Removed these categories, rulegroups, or rules: STE_RULE_1_1_UNKNOWN_ALTERNATIVE. Reasons: • The terms in the category are unknown in the STE specification. The unknown terms are found by STE_RULE_1_1_UNKNOWN. • Many words are possible technical terms or parts of technical terms. • The primary function of the term checker is to find nonconformities. The function is not to train writers to use STE. STE_RULE_3_4_HAVE_PAST_PARTICIPLE_HAVE_HAD. Errors are found by STE_RULE_3_4_HAVE_PAST_PARTICIPLE_APPROVED STE_RULE_1_11. These are project rules, not STE rules. STE_RULE_1_14_BRE. Added GRAY to grammar-projectterms.xml. STE_RULE_1_14_APPROVED_WORD_INCORRECT_SPELLING_AND_INFLECTION STE_CHECKER_PLAIN_ENGLISH - Added these categories, rulegroups, or rules: STE_RULE_1_1_TN_PRONOUN, for 'I' STE_GR6_GENERAL_LATIN and removed GESG-9-11_LATIN_ABBREVIATIONS - Removed these Global English Style Guide rules because the terms are found by rule 1.1: GESG-9-10_OBSCURE_FOREIGN_WORDS GESG-9-12_NON_TECHNICAL_ABBREVIATIONS GESG-9-13_CLIPPED_TERMS - Removed these words from STE_RULE_1_14: • Alternative British English spellings of words that can be spelled with ~z (Oxford spelling). • British English spellings of other words. grammar-projectterms - Added these rulegroups: PROJECT_RULE_1_11 PROJECT_RULE_1_14 2021-05-11 This is the last version of the term checker for ASD-ST100 issue 7. disambiguation-projectterms.xml - Changed these rules and their explanations: PROJECT_TN_ADJECTIVE_1_WORD_BASE PROJECT_NOT_APPROVED_TECHNICAL_AUTHOR disambiguation-ste7.xml - Corrected the POS for LESS (adj) and deadly (adj) - Improved many rules. grammar-ste7.xml - STE_RULE_1_1_UNKNOWN_ALTERNATIVE. Removed each terms that can be a TN, part of a TN, or a TV - STE_RULE_1_1_USE_APPROVED_WORDS-NOT_APPROVED_VERB_AUXILIARY_CONTRACTION_NEGATED Removed because verbs with abbreviated n't are found by STE_RULE_4_2_NOT_APPROVED_CONTRACTION_NOT. - STE_RULE_1_3. Removed all multi-word terms if a rule for a 1-word term finds the error. - Removed these rulegroups because 'going' is not an approved form of the verb 'GO' X_STE_RULE_3_2_BE_VERBING STE_RULE_3_2_BE_GOING_TO - Removed STE_RULE_3_2_BE_ABOUT_TO because all the errors are found by STE_APPROVED_MEANING_about_ABOUT - STE_RULE_9_3 Removed all multi-word terms if a rule for a 1-word term finds the error. Removed the present participle (~ing) from each rule, because the present participle is not approved. - Changed STE_APPROVED_MEANING_magnetize_MAGNETIZED to STE_APPROVED_POS_magnetize_MAGNETIZED - Added debugging rules - STE_RULE_1_1_NOT_APPROVED_ADVERB_USED_AS_A_VERB - STE_RULE_1_1_NOT_APPROVED_ADVERB_USED_AS_AN_ADJECTIVE - Added a new error type 'inconsistency' for STE_RULE_1_1_NOT_APPROVED_USES_A_DIFFERENT_POS. The new colour shows that the word is unapproved with one POS, but has a different POS in the text. 2021-01-19 disambiguation-ste7.xml - STE_NOT_APPROVED_INFLECTION_TECHNICAL_VERB_1_WORD_PRESENT_PARTICIPLE added: aiming, exploding, processing - Improved many rules. grammar-ste7.xml - To show STE nonconformities clearly, removed a multi-word term from STE_RULE_1_1_UNKNOWN_ALTERNATIVE if it has one of these properties: * A word in the term contains a not-approved term. * A word in the term found by a rule for part of speech. * A word in the term is found by a rule for misused words. - To make the term checker applicable to all industries, removed possible technical names and technical verbs from category STE_RULE_1_1_UNKNOWN_ALTERNATIVE - Removed STE_APPROVED_MEANING_feel_FEEL and other inflections because the term is not shown in ASD-STE100 as misused. - Removed these rules for phrasal verbs because other rules find errors with terms in the phrasal verbs: STE_PHRASAL_VERB_back-away_BACK_BACKS-AWAY STE_PHRASAL_VERB_back-down_BACK_BACKS-DOWN STE_PHRASAL_VERB_figure-out_FIGURE_FIGURES-OUT STE_PHRASAL_VERB_guard-against_GUARD_GUARDS-AGAINST STE_PHRASAL_VERB_iron-out_IRON_IRONS-OUT STE_PHRASAL_VERB_step-up_STEP_STEPS-UP STE_PHRASAL_VERB_type-in_TYPE_TYPES-IN STE_PHRASAL_VERB_work-out_WORK_WORKS-OUT - Changed these rules to use parts of speech: Changed STE_APPROVED_MEANING_as_AS to STE_APPROVED_POS_as_AS Changed STE_APPROVED_MEANING_support_SUPPORT to STE_APPROVED_POS_support_SUPPORT - Moved STE_CHECKER_LIGATURES from category STE_CHECKER_DEBUG to category STE_SETUP and changed the name to STE_SETUP_LIGATURES - Added: STE_UNKNOWN_accede_ACCEDE_ACCEDES_ACCEDED_ACCEDING STE_UNKNOWN_refrain_REFRAIN_REFRAINS_REFRAINED_REFRAINING 2020-10-01 disambiguation-ste7.xml - Removed 'desktop' as a TN because it is a project-specific term and not in the list of examples in rule 1.5. - Improved many rules. grammar-ste7.xml - Removed the ~ing inflection from 2-word terms that start with the rule ID STE_APPROVED_MEANING. The present participle is not an approved inflection. Other rules find the incorrect inflection. - Removed rules with the rule ID STE_UNKNOWN... for these words and their inflections: Possible TNs: agreement, collection, confirmation, construction, employment, erection, majority, minority, receptacle, recommendation, restriction Possible TVs: subside - Replaced STE_RULE_1_7_USE_A_TN-NOUN_ONLY_AS_A_NOUN-1-word-singular and STE_RULE_1_7_USE_A_TN-NOUN_ONLY_AS_A_NOUN-2-word-singular with STE_RULE_1_7_USE_A_TN_NOUN_ONLY_AS_A_NOUN_1_WORD - Replaced STE_RULE_1_2_POS_NOUN_SINGULAR and STE_RULE_1_2_POS_NOUN_PLURAL with STE_RULE_1_2_POS_NOUN - Replaced STE_RULE_1_2_POS_VERB_BASE and STE_RULE_1_2_POS_VERB_3RDPERS with STE_RULE_1_2_POS_1_WORD_VERB - Replaced STE_NOT_APPROVED_power_POWERS with STE_APPROVED_TN_power_POWERS - Added DISAMBIGUATION_ERROR_NOUN_PRONOUN_CONFLICT - Improved STE_GR2_GENERAL_WITH. - In category STE_RULE_1_3, added missing POS information to rules for these dictionary verbs and TV: drag, feel, follow, intercept, meet, radiate, reach, retard, save, select, serve, sit, sleep, sort, swallow - In category STE_RULE_1_3, prevented incorrect warnings for the first word in a noun cluster (nouns only). ("The attachment points are red.") - In category STE_RULE_3_7, prevented incorrect warnings for the words in a noun cluster. ("Disassemble the valve assembly.") - In rulegroup X_STE_RULE_1_1_PREFIX_SUFFIX, prevented warnings for terms that have a rule in category STE_RULE_1_1_UNKNOWN_ALTERNATIVE 2020-07-01 disambiguation-ste7.xml - Changed PROJECT_NOT_APPROVED_TECHNICAL_AUTHOR to make it singular only. - Added PROJECT_NOT_APPROVED_TECHNICAL_AUTHORS. - Improved many rules. grammar-ste7.xml - Changed STE_UNKNOWN rules such they use parts of speech. This change decreases the number of incorrect warnings. - Corrected the abbreviation for 'pronoun' from 'pn' to 'pron'. - Rules that refer to the Microsoft Manual of Style version 4 are changed to refer to the Microsoft Writing Style Guide: - Removed these rules because the words can be technical names or technical verbs: STE_UNKNOWN_express_EXPRESSES_EXPRESSED_EXPRESSING STE_UNKNOWN_jewel_JEWEL_JEWELS STE_UNKNOWN_moment_MOMENT_MOMENTS STE_UNKNOWN_resolve_RESOLVE_RESOLVES_RESOLVED_RESOLVING STE_UNKNOWN_spawn_SPAWN_SPAWNS_SPAWNED_SPAWNING STE_UNKNOWN_utility_UTILITY_UTILITIES - Removed STE_UNKNOWN_indepth_INDEPTH because indepth is not a standard English word. - Removed STE_UNKNOWN_ought-to_OUGHT-TO because STE_UNKNOWN_ought_OUGHT finds the term. - Removed rules for the terms that follow from category STE_RULE_1_3 because the terms are style preferences or project terms: nouns: box, button, field, subdirectory, subfolder, prompt, potential verbs: click on - Removed rules for the terms that follow from category STE_RULE_1_11 because the terms are style preferences or project terms: back end, entry field - Added these rules: STE_NOT_APPROVED_potential_POTENTIAL STE_RULE_1_5_7_PROPER_NOUN_MATHEMATICS 2020-04-13 disambiguation-projectterms.xml - Changed rule name PROJECT_TVb_PRESENT_PARTICIPLE to PROJECT_INFLECTION_NOT_APPROVED_TVb_PRESENT_PARTICIPLE - Changed the comments to show that the present participle is not an approved inflection. 2020-04-01 disambiguation-ste7.xml - STE_APPROVED_ALTERNATIVE_SPELLING. Removed present participles because the ~ing form of a verb is not approved. - Improved many rules. grammar-ste7.xml - Removed these rules: STE_SETUP_billion_BILLION_BILLIONS STE_SETUP_trillion_TRILLION_TRILLIONS STE_UNKNOWN_draw-up_DRAW-UP STE_NOT_APPROVED_security_SECURITY STE_RULE_1_14 (category), removed rules that start STE_APPROVED_WORD_INCORRECT_SPELLING for these verb inflections: authorising, de-energising, digitising, energising, magnetising, maximising, minimising, normalising, pressurising - Added these rules: STE_APPROVED_MEANING_billion_BILLION_BILLIONS STE_APPROVED_MEANING_trillion_TRILLION_TRILLIONS STE_APPROVED_WORD_INCORRECT_SPELLING_AND_INFLECTION STE_APPROVED_TN_security_SECURITY - Changed STE_UNKNOWN_fashion_FASHIONS_FASHIONED_FASHIONING. Removed 'fashions' because it is a not-approved noun. - Category STE_RULE_1_6. Changed some messages to show that an unapproved word can be a TN. Example: The noun 'security' is not approved in the dictionary. Although the specification does not show 'SECURITY' as a technical name (TN) in rule 1.5 and it is not shown in the dictionary as a TN, if it is approved in your project dictionary, you can use it as a TN (rule 1.5.19). 2020-01-04 disambiguation-ste7.xml - STE_TN_NOUN_SINGULAR_1_WORD-R-1-5-8 added: stalls - STE_TN_NOUN_SINGULAR_NON_COUNT_1_WORD-R-1-5-7-chemical-elements Removed temporary chemical names (ununbium and others) and replaced with the IUPAC names. - Removed unnecessary postags: STE_VERB_AUXILIARY _HAVE (is not approved as an auxiliary STE_VERB_AUXILIARY_NEGATED_HAVE STE_VERB_AUXILIARY_NEGATED_CAN_DO_MUST_WILL STE_VERB_AUXILIARY_NEGATED_BE_HAVE STE_VERB_AUXILIARY_NEGATED_BE STE_NOT_APPROVED_VERB_AUXILIARY_NEGATED - Improved many rules. grammar-ste7.xml - STE_RULE_1_1_VERBS_PREFIX removed present participles from the rule because the ~ing inflection is not approved. - Improved STE_RULE_1_2_POS_VERB_BASE and STE_RULE_1_2_POS_VERB_3RDPERS to find errors with 'DO' 2019-10-04 disambiguation-ste7.xml - Removed VERB_OF_PERCEPTION_MAKES_A_NOUN. As an alternative, use antipatterns in rules. - Removed e-mail as a TN. - Removed email as an STE not-approved spelling. - Improved many rules. disambiguation-projectterms.xml - Added e-mail as a project TN. - Added email as a project not-approved term. grammar-ste7.xml - Removed these rules: STE_RULE_1_2_POS_VERB_PRESENT_PARTICIPLE because the ~ing form of a verb is not an approved verb. (An ~ing word can be in a heading if the word is a TN or part of a TN.) STE_DIFFERENT_TN_electronic-mail_ELECTRONIC-MAIL_MAILS STE_APPROVED_MEANING_run_RUNNING STE_APPROVED_WORD_INCORRECT_SPELLING_email_EMAIL STE_APPROVED_WORD_INCORRECT_SPELLING_email_EMAILS - Removed the present participle (~ing) from the rules that start with STE_APPROVED_MEANING_xxx because the ~ing inflection is not approved. Rule 3.5 finds these inflections. - Added these rules: LIGATURES STE_RULE_1_2_POS_VERB_AUXILIARY_LEXICAL. The term checker gives a message that the word is a verb, but it is lexical verb (as in, "When you can the beans..."). STE_RULE_1_4_VERB_PRESENT_PARTICIPLE. The rule finds ~ing words that are not approved inflections of approved verbs and that are used as adjectives or nouns. STE_RULE_8_1_TWO_HYPHENS grammar-projectterms.xml - Added these rules: PROJECT_NOT_APPROVED_EMAIL PROJECT_NOT_APPROVED_ELECTRONIC_MAIL 2019-07-01 disambiguation-ste7.xml - Most rules in rulegroup STE_TN_NOUN_PROPER are changed to give better disambiguation of proper nouns. - Added non-count postags to these nouns: capacity, diameter, flight, injection, polarity. - Improved many rules. disambiguation-projectterms.xml - Changed to - Changed id="PROJECT_2_WORD_TVb_ to id="PROJECT_TVb_2_WORD_ grammar-ste7.xml - Added category STE_RULE_1_5 for proper nouns. - Added these rules: STE_RULE_1_4_ADJECTIVES_IS_NOUN STE_RULE_1_4_ADJECTIVES_TN_COLOURS STE_RULE_8_2_HYPHENS_USED_AS_SEPARATOR STE_RULE_8_2_AND_4_3_HYPHEN_AFTER_COLON STE_RULE_8_2_AND_4_3_HYPHEN_FOR_LIST_ITEM General: You can buy a plug-in from LanguageTooler GmbH that lets you use the term checker in Microsoft Word: 2019-04-01 disambiguation-ste7.xml - Removed 'authorise' as a technical verb (TV). The TV is authorize (en-gb-oxendict) - Improved many rules. grammar-ste7.xml - Improved rule 1.1 to decrease the number of warnings for a word that contains an underscore. - Changed the prefix and suffix rules such that the rules do not give a message for a non-standard word (a word that is not in a standard dictionary). The word is found by STE_RULE_1_1_USE_APPROVED_WORDS. 2019-01-02 disambiguation-projectterms.xml. - In PROJECT_TVb_PRESENT_PARTICIPLE, changed STE_INFLECTION_NOT_APPROVED_TVb_PRESENT_PARTICIPLE to PROJECT_INFLECTION_NOT_APPROVED_TVb_PRESENT_PARTICIPLE disambiguation-ste7.xml - Improved many rules. grammar-ste7.xml - Removed these rules: STE_UNKNOWN_edit_EDIT_EDITS_EDITED_EDITING because 'edit' can be a TV. STE_NOT_APPROVED_attachment_ATTACHMENT and STE_NOT_APPROVED_attachment_ATTACHMENTS because 'attachment' can be a TN. STE_NOT_APPROVED_size_SIZE because 'size' can be a TN. - Added these rules: STE_APPROVED_MEANING_attachment_ATTACHMENT_ATTACHMENTS STE_APPROVED_MEANING_size_SIZE STE_RULE_1_1_NOT_APPROVED_ADVERB_USED_AS_A_NOUN STE_RULE_1_1_TERM_WITH_UNDERSCORE and STE_RULE_8_1_PUNCTUATION_UNDERSCORE for the new LanguageTool segmentation: STE_RULE_8_1_PUNCTUATION_CURRENCY STE_RULE_8_1_PUNCTUATION_ELLIPSIS GESG_8_8_6 - Changed some rule names to include 'STE_' at the start of the rule name. Changed some hyphens to underscores: If you previously deselected these rules, you must deselect them again. - Improved these rules: STE_RULE_3_2_BE_GOING_TO and related rules STE_RULE_3_4_HAVE_PAST_PARTICIPLE - Changed all the rules for not-approved verbs such that if the term is used as an adjective, it is found only by STE_RULE_1_1_NOT_APPROVED_VERB_USED_AS_AN_ADJECTIVE, not by the related rule for verbs. 2018-12-11 disambiguation-projectterms.xml - Changed the document structure such that the document has only one rulegroup element. The change prevents some XLM editors from giving warnings such as "junk after document element" and "The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed". 2018-10-01 disambiguation-ste7.xml - Removed these rules because they are not necessary now ( REMOVE_POS_NNP_LOWERCASE_CHEMICAL_SYMBOLS REMOVE_NNP_FOR_LOWERCASE_HOOPES REMOVE_NNP_FOR_LOWERCASE_MONTHS_DAYS OVERRIDE_LT_DEFAULT_FOR_NNP-first-letter-not-uppercase - Removed 'become' as an approved past participle - Changed the postag STE_INFLECTION_NOT_APPROVED_VERB_LEXICAL_PAST_PARTICIPLE to STE_INFLECTION_NOT_APPROVED_VERB_LEXICAL_PP - Added missing postags for: unpack, spraying - Added missing inflections for these verbs in rulegroup STE_TVb_1_WORD-R-1-12-2: close, cut, delete, drag, enter, erase, open, install, load, process grammar-ste7.xml - Added 'tab="STE 7 Term Checker"' to all categories. This change puts all the STE rules on a tab 'STE 7 Term Checker' in LanguageTool options. - Improved many rules in the categories for STE rules 3.2 and 3.4 and added rules for not-approved terms and for unknown terms. - Improved the rules in category STE_RULE_4_2. - Added rule STE_RULE_1_1_NOT_APPROVED_ADJECTIVE_USED_AS_A_VERB (STE 7, rule 1.1 dictionary: A not-approved adjective is used as a verb') grammar-projectterms.xml - Added to the category: tab="STE 7 Project Terms" This makes the LanguageTool Options screen show a tab for the project rules. 2018-07-02 disambiguation-ste7.xml - In STE_NOT_APPROVED_INFLECTION_VERB_LEXICAL_1_WORD_PRESENT_PARTICIPLE, removed these verbs because they are TVs: authorizing, briefing, calling, contacting, disembarking, drifting, enabling, fastening, ferrying, flying, informing, inhibiting, maintaining, meeting, navigating, observing, providing, reaching, responding, returning, rotating. - Improved the disambiguation rules. grammar-ste7.xml - Moved these rules from STE_RULE_1_1_UNKNOWN to a new category (STE_RULE_1_1_NOT_APPROVED_WITH_ONE_POS_USED_WITH_A DIFFERENT_POS): STE_RULE_1_1_NOT_APPROVED_VERB_USED_AS_A_NOUN STE_RULE_1_1_NOT_APPROVED_NOUN_USED_AS_A_VERB STE_RULE_1_1_NOT_APPROVED_ADJECTIVE_USED_AS_A_NOUN STE_RULE_1_1_NOT_APPROVED_ADJECTIVE_USED_AS_A_VERB - Added STE_RULE_8_1_HYPHEN_IN_NUMBER_RANGE - Added RULE_1_2_POS_VERB_PRESENT_PARTICIPLE The rule finds 'closing' in "The closing of the cover is easy." - Updated STE_RULE_3_5_ING_1_WORD The rule does not find nouns, which are now found by RULE_1_2_POS_VERB_PRESENT_PARTICIPLE - Removed STE_APPROVED_POS_free_FREE and added STE_APPROVED_MEANING_free_FREE 2018-04-03 disambiguation-ste7.xml - Removed these verbs from STE_VERB_LEXICAL.*: change, delete, drag, enter,store. - Added these verbs to STE_NOT_APPROVED_VERB_LEXICAL.*: change, delete, drag, enter,store. - Improved the disambiguation rules. grammar-ste7.xml - Changed the category type name "style" to "register". Reason: LT Options is changed to 3 tabs, and rules with type "style" are automatically shown on Style tab. The change to "register" keeps the rules on the same tab (Grammar). - Changed the rules in category STE_RULE_1_1_NOT_APPROVED such that if a word is unapproved only as a noun, a verb, or an adjective, a rule does not give a warning if the word has a different part of speech. (New rules in category STE_RULE_1_1_UNKNOWN find the word.) For example, the verb 'gush' is not approved: Verb: "... water will gush from the hole" causes a warning because 'gush' is a verb. "A gush of water can cause damage to the equipment" does not cause a warning because 'gush' is a noun. - In category STE_RULE_1_1_UNKNOWN, added these rules to give messages for a word that is unapproved only as a noun, a verb, or an adjective, but which has a different part of speech: STE_RULE_1_1_NOT_APPROVED_VERB_USED_AS_A_NOUN STE_RULE_1_1_NOT_APPROVED_NOUN_USED_AS_A_VERB STE_RULE_1_1_NOT_APPROVED_ADJECTIVE_USED_AS_A_NOUN STE_RULE_1_1_NOT_APPROVED_ADJECTIVE_USED_AS_A_VERB - Removed incorrect suggestions from these rules: STE_APPROVED_MEANING_alert_ALERT STE_APPROVED_MEANING_alert_ALERTS - Removed: STE_APPROVED_MEANING_read_READING - Added: STE_NOT_APPROVED_reading_READING 2018-01-01 disambiguation-ste7.xml - Removed all the examples, because examples are used for testing only. - Removed 'GAGE' as a TN, because in American English, the usual spelling is GAUGE. Refer to the examples in ASD-STE100 and to Merriam Webster's dictionary. - Removed STE_INFLECTION_NOT_APPROVED_VERB_LEXICAL_PRESENT_PARTICIPLE_2_WORD-CONFORMING-TO (changed the name and added the rule to disambiguation-projectterms.xml.) disambiguation-projectterms.xml - Removed PROJECT_TN_NOUN_SINGULAR_3_WORD_ATA_ISPEC_2200 - Added PROJECT_PROPER_NOUN_3_WORD_ATA_ISPEC_2200 - Added PROJECT_INFLECTION_NOT_APPROVED_TVb_PRESENT_PARTICIPLE_2_WORD-CONFORMING-TO grammar-ste7.xml - Removed category STE_AME_BRE because the term checker uses the LanguageTool spelling checker for standard English words such as 'color/colour', 'liter/litre', and 'refueled/refuelled'. - Added category STE_SPELLING_BRE (name = 'STE 7, rule 1.14. Use British English (override American English)'). Select this rule if you use British English. - Removed all but two examples in each rule, because most examples are used for testing only. Each rule has one 'correct' example and one 'incorrect' example, which you see when you get more information about a warning ( - Removed ' correction=""' from the examples, because it is not necessary. - Corrected STE_RULE_3_5_ING_MULTI_WORDS to give the correct analysis of project terms. - Corrected the antipatterns in category STE_PHRASAL_VERBS. - Corrected the short name and the message for 'STE 7, rule 8.3.1' to 'STE 7, rule 8.2.1'. - Removed rule STE_NOT_APPROVED_reading_READING - Added rule STE_APPROVED_MEANING_read_READING 2017-11-10 disambiguation-projectterms.xml - Added PROJECT_TVb_PRESENT_PARTICIPLE 2017-10-01 disambiguation-ste7.xml - Added REMOVE_POSTAGS_FOR_NON_STANDARD_CAPITALIZATION. The LanguageTool spell checker gives a warning only if a word has the part of speech 'null', that is, it has no postags. This rule removes the STE and project postags if a word has a non-standard capitalization. (Example: The gas is DANGERous.) Thus, the LanguageTool spell checker identifies the term as a spelling error. - Improved the rules in rulegroup STE_TN_ADJECTIVE_UNITS_OF_MEASUREMENT. Terms with incorrect capitalization are not given a postag. Thus, the term checker identifies them as unknown (rule 1.1). Examples: 9-Volt, 9-vOLT. - Improved the rules for mass nouns (non-count nouns) to give better disambiguation. - Removed STE_TN_NOUN_SINGULAR_NON_COUNT_1_WORD and put the terms into new rules that have the structure STE_TN_NOUN_SINGULAR_NON_COUNT_1_WORD-R-1-5-n. disambiguation-projectterms.xml - Changed PROJECT_TN_NOUN_SINGULAR_1_WORD. (Removed the word 'copyright'.) - Added PROJECT_TN_NOUN_SINGULAR_NON_COUNT_1_WORD. (Contains 'copyright' and 'sea'.) grammar-ste7.xml - Improved these rules to prevent some false positive warnings: STE_APPROVED_MEANING_about_ABOUT STE_APPROVED_MEANING_by_BY STE_APPROVED_MEANING_or_OR STE_APPROVED_MEANING_over_OVER - Improved these rules to prevent two warnings for one problem: STE_NOT_APPROVED_comply_COMPLY (and other inflections). If COMPLY is in the term COMPLY WITH, there are no error messages. RULE_1_1_FORMS_OF_APPROVED_NOUNS. Removed those terms that have part-of-speech rules. - Improved some messages in rulegroup STE_SETUP. - Added a note to terms in rule 1.12.4 to show that the term is approved only in operational texts. 2017-07-04 disambiguation-ste7.xml - Added missing TNs. Now, all 1-word TNs and most multi-word TNs from rule 1.5 are in term checker. (If a term is not approved in your organization, make a grammar rule to say 'do not use'.) - Deleted these rules: IS_IS_ADJECTIVE_NOUN_square_meter IS_IS_PREPOSITION_THESE_NOUN_PLURAL IS_NOUN_article_noun-TN1_noun-TN2-verb_aux IS_NOUN_determiner_noun_preposition IS_NOUN_determiner_noun_to_noun-not-verb IS_NOUN_determiner_noun-singular_preposition IS_NOUN_not-sent-start_article_noun-singular_preposition IS_NOUN_of_noun-not-adjective IS_NOUN_possessive-pronoun_noun-singular IS_VERB_be_adverb_adjective_to_verb IS_VERB_conjunction_article_noun_verb-2-word_comma IS_VERB_make-sure-that IS_VERB_start-of-sentence_verb-2-word IS_VERB_to_verb-2-word-base_particle STE_VERB_AUXILIARY_BE_HAVE STE_VERB_AUXILIARY_NEGATED_BE_HAVE - Added these rules: IS_ADJECTIVE_determiner_adjective_noun_of IS_ADJECTIVE_NOUN_square_meter IS_ADJECTIVE_NOUN_VERB-AUX-PAST IS_ADJECTIVE_sent-start_adjective_colon IS_ADJECTIVE_sent-start_not_adjective_colon IS_BE_ADJECTIVE_TO_VERB-BASE IS_BE_ADVERB_ADJECTIVE_TO_VERB-BASE IS_NOUN_adverb_comma_noun-plural_verb-3rdpers IS_NOUN_are-were_noun-plural_preposition IS_NOUN_article_noun_noun_noun_verb_aux IS_NOUN_article_noun_noun_verb_aux IS_NOUN_article_noun-TN1_noun-TN2_verb-aux IS_NOUN_article_number_noun_conjunction IS_NOUN_article_quote_noun_noun_noun_quote-verb_aux IS_NOUN_article_quote_noun_noun_quote-verb_aux IS_NOUN_chap-fig_I IS_NOUN_comma_table_digit-letter_comma IS_NOUN_DIGIT_VERB IS_NOUN_noun_digit-letter_is-was IS_NOUN_number_day_apostrophe-s_time IS_NOUN_of_noun IS_NOUN_PREPOSITION_article_noun_to_verb-base IS_NOUN_PREPOSITION_NOUN IS_NOUN_PREPOSITION_NOUN-PLURAL_VERB IS_NOUN_sent-start_noun-plural_preposition_verb IS_NOUN_table_digit-letter_comma_table_digit-letter IS_NOUN_TO_VERB-BASE IS_NOUN_verb_noun-singular-non-count_adverb IS_NOUN_word_I IS_NOUN-PLURAL_PREPOSITION IS_NOUN-SINGULAR_ADVERB_sentence-end IS_NOUN-SINGULAR_PREPOSITION IS_NOUN-SINGULAR_PREPOSITION_PREPOSITION IS_PREPOSITION_THESE_NOUN_PLURAL IS_sent-start_VERB-BASE_CONJUNCTION_VERB-BASE IS_VERB_article_noun-singular_verb-3rdpers-preposition IS_VERB_determiner_noun-plural_verb-base_verb_particle_punctuation-separator IS_VERB_determiner_noun-singular_verb-3rdpers_particle_punctuation-separator IS_VERB_make-sure_determiner IS_VERB_noun-singular_verb-base_verb_particle_question-mark IS_VERB_pronoun_verb-modal_verb_noun IS_VERB_start-of-sentence_verb-base_verb_particle IS_VERB_to_verb-base_verb_particle IS_VERB-BASE-VI_TO_VERB-BASE NUMBER_LIST_ITEM_STARTS_THE_SENTENCE-4 PROPER_NOUN_WITH_TRADEMARK_SYMBOLS_IS_NNP REMOVE_POS_NNP_LOWERCASE_CHEMICAL_SYMBOLS STE_TN_NOUN_PROPER_article_quote_noun_noun_quote STE_TN_NOUN_PROPER_one-word-quoted STE_TN_NOUN_PROPER_refer_to_first-word-quoted STE_VERB_AUXILIARY_BE STE_VERB_AUXILIARY_HAVE STE_VERB_AUXILIARY_NEGATED_BE STE_VERB_AUXILIARY_NEGATED_HAVE grammar-ste7.xml Added these rules: - RULE_1_2_POS-2-word-verb - RULE_8_2_PREFIX_HYPHEN - RULE_8_2_3_LETTERS - RULE_8_2_3_NUMBERS Changed STE_RULE_3_4_MODAL and STE_RULE_3_4_HAVE_PAST_PARTICIPLE so that they do not highlight large blocks of text. General corrections: - Rules that contained a false negative example showed the false negative as a suggestion for the 'correct' text. This error is corrected. - Incorrect error messages for multi-word TV are corrected. (Example: 'Use SWITCH as a technical verb' is now 'Use SWITCH OFF as a technical verb'. 2017-04-03 Released the term checker for ASD-STE100 issue 7. disambiguation-ste7.xml - Updated the rules from the term checker for STE issue 6 to make them applicable to STE issue 7. - For technical verbs, changed STE_INFLECTION_NOT_APPROVED_VERB_LEXICAL_PRESENT_PARTICIPLE to STE_INFLECTION_NOT_APPROVED_TVb_PRESENT_PARTICIPLE - Added these rules: IS_VERB_pronoun_auxiliary_verb IS_VERB_personal-pronoun_verb-past grammar-ste7.xml - Updated the rules from the term checker for STE issue 6 to make them applicable to STE issue 7. - Changed RULE_1_2_FORMS-OF-APPROVED-KEYWORDS-NOUNS to RULE_1_1_FORMS_OF_APPROVED_NOUNS - Changed STE_RULE_3_1_NOT_APPROVED_CONTRACTION-xxx to STE_RULE_4_2_NOT_APPROVED_CONTRACTION-xxx - Removed these rules because they are not necessary. (Each '-ing' word has a rule.) STE_RULE_1_1_USE_APPROVED_WORDS-NOT_APPROVED_PRESENT_PARTICIPLE-1-word-terms STE_RULE_1_1_USE_APPROVED_WORDS-NOT_APPROVED_PRESENT_PARTICIPLE-multi-word-terms 2017-03-27 This is the final release of the term checker for ASD-STE100 issue 6. disambiguation-ste6.xml - Removed rule IS_NOUN_determiner_noun_be-have - Added these rules: IS_ADJECTIVE_to_less_than IS_NOUN_be-have_determiner_adjective_noun_singular IS_NOUN_determiner_noun_to_noun-not-verb IS_NOUN_OR_VERB_be_adjective_to_NV IS_NOUN_square_meter IS_VERB_be_adverb_adjective_to_verb IS_VERB_noun-plural-singular-non-count_auxiliary_adverb_verb-base IS_VERB_start-of-sentence-or-clause_verb_preposition grammar-ste6.xml - Changed RULE_3_3 to give a warning only if the verb is approved. - Changed these rules to give better analysis: STE_RULE_3_4_GET_PAST_PARTICIPLE STE_RULE_3_5_HAVE_PAST_PARTICIPLE STE_RULE_3_6_PAST_PARTICPLE_HELPING_VERB STE_RULE_3_7_USE_THE_ACTIVE_VOICE - Removed these rules: STE_RULE_3_7_USE_THE_ACTIVE_VOICE_NEGATED_PP STE_APPROVED_POS_fraying_FRAYING (FRAYING is a TN and is found by Rule 1.6) - Changed the category STE_POS to STE_POS_DICTIONARY. Removed the rules for TN and TV and put them in new categories. (STE_POS_DICTIONARY is for approved Dictionary terms that have a POS conflict with words that are also not-approved in the Dictionary (example BOTTOM (n) and bottom (v). - Added these categories: STE_POS_TN, name="STE 6, Rule 1. 6. Use a Technical Name only as a noun or an adjective" STE_POS_TV, name="STE 6, Rule 1.14. Use Technical Verbs only as verbs" 2017-01-02 disambiguation-ste6.xml - Added ADD_VERB-INTRANSITIVE. - Added many rules for the disambiguation of nouns, verbs, and adjectives. disambiguation-projectterms.xml - Changed PROJECT_TN_NOUN_SINGULAR_1_WORD_CASE_SENSITIVE to PROJECT_PROPER_NOUNS and changed the postag PROJECT_TN_NOUN_SINGULAR to NNP (which means proper noun). grammar-ste6.xml - Merged the rules STE_RULE_1_2_POS-noun-singular_not-adjective and RULE_1_2_POS-noun-singular_not-verb into STE_RULE_1_2_POS-noun-singular. 2016-10-01 disambiguation-ste6.xml - Added a missing exception (STE_TVb_3RDPERS_SING) to rule STE_RULE_1_2_POS-noun-plural_not-verb - Added missing Technical Verbs for Rule 1.13.1 and 1.13.2. Now all TV from Rule 1.13 are in the term checker. - Added some Technical Names. - Changed STE_VERB_AUXILIARY_CONTRACTION_BE_WILL to STE_VERB_AUXILIARY_CONTRACTION_BE_HAVE_WILL and corrected the rule. - Changed the rules in rulegroup NOUN_PROPER_E-MAIL_ADDRESSES because LT changed the way that e-mail addresses are analyzed. - Removed redundant rule IS_VERB_verb-base_adverb_not-verb disambiguation-projectterms.xml - Added Cascading Style Sheet(s) as a 3-word example. grammar-ste6.xml - Added STE_RULE_3_1_NOT_APPROVED_CONTRACTION-HAVE - Added these abbreviations to the prefix rules: ab, auto, ity, ive - Added approximately 200 terms to category STE_UNKNOWN. - Changed the prefix and suffix rules to give warnings for uppercase text and non-standard typography. - Changed the sequence of rules in rulegroup RULE_8_3. If a term is both approved and not-approved (example 'sample'), the message is about the approved term. - Removed STE_NOT_APPROVED_copy_COPYING, because the verb is a Technical Verb. - Removed STE_NOT_APPROVED_magnetized_MAGNETIZED, STE_NOT_APPROVED_magnetised_MAGNETISED, STE_NOT_APPROVED_insulated_INSULATED because the verbs are Technical Verbs. - Removed alternative nouns from suggestions in Rule STE_USE_VERB, because Rule 3.8 is about using verbs in preference to nouns. Made the message clear. grammar-projectterms.xml - Added examples for these Technical Verbs from Rule 1.13.2.c: ABORT, BOOT, and REBOOT. 2016-07-01 disambiguation-ste6.xml - Added these rules: IS_ADJECTIVE_conjunction_adjective IS_NOUN_determiner-adjective_noun-TN1_noun-TN2_sent-end IS_NOUN_not-sent-start_number_noun-plural_sent-end IS_NOUN_possessive-pronoun_noun_sent-end IS_VERB_sent_start_verb_to - Changed inconsistent postags STE_TVb_2_WORD_xxx to STE_2_WORD_TVb_xxx disambiguation-projectterms.xml - Changed inconsistent postags PROJECT_TVb_2_WORD to PROJECT_2_WORD_TVb_PP You do not need to change the postags in your customized version of this file, because disambiguation-ste6.xml gives correct results with the old and the new form of a postag. grammar-ste6.xml - Changed the names of some rules to make clear that the rules are part of the STE term checker and are not the default rules in LanguageTool (which cannot be removed). All rules for the STE term checker start with 'STE'. - Added rulegroup RULE_1_2_FORMS-OF-APPROVED-KEYWORDS-NOUNS (refer to ASD-STE100 page 2-0-5) - Corrected STE_RULE_1_6_USE_A_TN-NOUN_ONLY_AS_A_NOUN-1-word-singular - Corrected rules for multi-word not-approved terms such as 'blank off' to prevent 2 error messages, for example, one message for 'blank' and one message for 'blank off'. 2016-04-05 disambiguation-ste6.xml - Added these rules: STE_TN_CHARACTER_ENTITY_REFERENCE IS_NOUN_number-cardinal_noun-plural - Removed these unnecessary rules: IMMUNIZE_RATES IS_VERB_DO_verb IS_NOUN_article_noun_of-for IS_ADJECTIVE_NOT_VERB_verb_modifier_adj_noun - Improved these rules: IS_NOUN_modifier_noun-plural IS_VERB_start-of-sentence-or-clause_verb Rules in rulegroup NOUN_PROPER_MATHS grammar-ste6.xml - Added rule IDs for LanguageTool version 3.3. - Added rule STE_RULE_1_16_USE_CONSISTENT_SPELLING_SI_UNITS_NUMBER_SYMBOL_SPACE - Added rulegroup GESG-3-12_NOT_NEGATED_ADJECTIVE-ADVERB - Changed the name of STE_RULE_1_4_ADJECTIVES_PREFIX to STE_RULE_1_1_ADJECTIVES_PREFIX, because Rule 1.4 is about inflections, not about prefixes. - Changed the token in STE_RULE_1_1_USE_APPROVED_WORDS. Previously, some typographic errors were not found because they were analysed as equations. - Moved many rules from category STE_SPECIFIC to category STE_COMBINED. - In category TS_DEBUG, changed the type from "non-conformance" to "other". 2016-01-04 disambiguation-ste6.xml - Added a new rulegroup: POS_DISAMBIGUATION_IDENTIFY_CONJUNCTIONS - Added some TNs grammar-ste6.xml - Added category "STE Rule 3.8 Use an approved verb to describe an action" - Added rule id="STE_GENERAL_WITH" for STE Rule GR-3. - Added rules for British English and American English ( to type="terminology" rulegroup id="RULE_1_1" name="STE Rule 1.1. Use approved words, Technical Names, and Technical Verbs" type="untranslated"> to type="terminology" rule id="STE_RULE_1_1_USE_APPROVED_WORDS" name="STE Rule 1.1. Use approved words [deactivate to ignore unknown keywords]"> added type="untranslated"> - Changed the word class to Misused for terms that can be used as TN. Examples: backup, reference, foot, gradient, performance, product, regulation. - Added rule category 'plain English for technical terms'. - Added rulegroup id="RULE_8_3" name="STE Rule 8.3. Use the hyphen as a joining signal..." - Changed the word class to POS for terms that can be used as TN. Examples: chafing, design, hinge, motor, port, match. - Changed the word class to Misused for TV that are also not-approved in the Dictionary. 2015-07-09 disambiguation-ste3.xml - Changed these rules: IS_NOUN_article_noun-singular_noun_of" and changed the name to IS_NOUN_noun_of IS_NOUN_modifier_noun-singular IS_NOUN_noun_singular_noun-singular_verb-auxiliary_except-with-to-pron-conjunction IS_VERB_conjunction_verb_pronoun IS_VERB_verb_article - New rules: IS_NOUN_modifier_noun-singular_determiner_pronoun IS_NOUN_modifier_noun-singular_that_verb IS_NOUN_modifier-number-1_noun-singular 2015-07-06 disambiguation-ste3.xml - Changed rulegroup NOUN_PROPER_WEBSITE_ADDRESSES because LT 3.0 ignores website URLs that start with 'www'. - Many small changes to give better disambiguation. 2015-06-05 disambiguation-ste3.xml - Corrected the rules in rulegroup NOUN_PROPER_MATHS to prevent the rules identifying a word and subsequent text in parentheses as a mathematical expression. Thus, the grammar rules now give warnings for words such as these: abandon(s), sample(d), work(ed). grammar-ste3.xml - A new category "Rule 1.1 unknown term has STE equivalent" has rules that find terms that are unknown in STE. The rules give suggestions for alternative STE terms. (The evaluation version of the term checker has only 1 example rule.) - Some errors give more than one warning. For example, the word 'viz' is found by rule GESG_NOT_APPROVED_viz_VIZ and by rule STE_RULE_1_1_USE_APPROVED_WORDS. The sequence of rules is changed to show a specific problem before a general problem. - Added antipatterns to rule NOT_STANDARD_PUNCUTATION_TECHNICAL to ignore an exclamation mark in XML comments. This is primarily to prevent incorrect warnings when the term checker is used with the oXygen plugin ( 2015-03-30 grammar-ste3.xml - Improved the rules in these categories to give fewer incorrect warnings (false positives): Kohl GESG dictionary rules... Rule 1.3 approved meaning 2015-03-16 disambiguation-ste3.xml - Removed the immunization rules ( for e-mail addresses, website addresses and so on. Added rules to give each term a postag that identifies the term as a proper noun. A grammar rule cannot find an immunized term. Thus, for example, it was not possible to find an incorrect e-mail address. Now, this is possible. - For better disambiguation, removed the postag STE_ADJECTIVE used these postags: STE_ADJECTIVE_BASE STE_ADJECTIVE_COMP STE_ADJECTIVE_SUP grammar-ste3.xml - For most messages, added possible alternative text that has the same inflection as the incorrect text. - Added antipatterns ( to many 2-word terms to get a better analysis. - Removed rulegroups APPROVED_TN_INCORRECT_SPELLING and APPROVED_TVb_INCORRECT_SPELLING and put the terms into category name="Rule 1.14 use consistent spelling" 2015-02-22 These changes are necessary only if you use a validating XML editor. The LanguageTool utility 'testrules' does not use the URLs. disambiguation.xml In the rules element, corrected the URL for disambiguation.xsd. Changed from: to: grammar.xml In the rules element, corrected the URL for rules.xsd. Changed from: to: 2015-01-04 grammar-ste3.xml - Added external="yes" to categories. Refer to (The change list for 2014-12-30 was not correct.) 2014-12-30 Changed the old URLs to the new URLs. disambiguation-ste3.xml - Changed IS_NOUN_sentence-start_noun_singular_verb-auxiliary - Added rule IS_VERB_verb_who - Removed rule VERBS_THAT_LT_DOES_NOT_KNOW-verb-base grammar-ste3.xml - Added rule types and changed some rule types. The rule types map to Localization Quality Issue Types ( and are used to show errors in colour in the stand-alone version of the term checker. - Added NOT_STANDARD_PUNCUTATION_TECHNICAL - Changed these rules: NOT_SI_UNIT NOT_STANDARD_PUNCUTATION STE_RULE_3_1_BE STE_RULE_3_1_NOT_APPROVED_CONTRACTION-NOUN-IS 2014-11-09 disambiguation.xml In the rules element, changed the URL of disambiguation.xsd to the new location on github. grammar.xml In the rules element, changed the URL of rules.xsd to the new location on github. 2014-08-25 Simplified the default installation. Now, the editing of grammar.xml and disambiguation.xml is not necessary. disambiguation-ste3.xml Added rule STE_TN_NOUN_SINGULAR_NON_COUNT_1_WORD-R-1-5-7-chemical-elements Changed rule IGNORE_SPELL_CHECKING_FOR_STE_KEYWORDS to IGNORE_LT_SPELL_CHECKING_FOR_KNOWN_KEYWORDS to include PROJECT terms. grammar-ste3.xml Changed category name="Setup" to name="STE setup" Added rule STE_NOT_APPROVED_draw_DRAWN Added rule STE_NOT_APPROVED_tie_TIEING Rule STE_RULE_3_1_ING-1-word, added PROJECTTERM to the exception 2014-05-08 disambiguation-ste3-2014-05-08.xml - Added these rules: IS_VERB_noun-singular_verb-3rdpers_number_noun-plural IS_ADVERB_NOT_ADJECTIVE_sentence-start_adverb_comma - Changed these rules: IS_VERB_start-of-sentence-or-clause_verb IS_NOUN_noun-singular_noun-singular_adverb-conjunction-punctuation IS_ADVERB_NOT_ADJECTIVE_noun-verb_adverb_sentence-end IS_NOUN_noun-singular-apostrophe-s-noun grammar-ste3-2014-05-08.xml - Added these rules: ORDINAL_NUMBER_ABBREVIATION STE_APPROVED_INSTRUCTIONS_SPECIFIC_very-last_VERY-LAST DISAMBIGUATION_ERROR-adverb-verb-conflict - Changed these rules: STE_RULE_3_1_NOT_APPROVED_CONTRACTION-PRONOUN-IS to STE_RULE_3_1_NOT_APPROVED_CONTRACTION-PRONOUN-IS-HAS STE_RULE_3_1_NOT_APPROVED_CONTRACTION-NOUN-IS to STE_RULE_3_1_NOT_APPROVED_CONTRACTION-NOUN-IS_HAS 2014-04-14 disambiguation-ste3-2014-04-14.xml - Added these rules: NUMBER_DECIMAL_MID_SENTENCE NUMBER_DECIMAL_SENTENCE_END - Added rulegroup IGNORE_LT_SPELL_CHECKING_FOR_KNOWN_KEYWORDS - Added IS_VERB_noun-plural_verb-base_number_noun-plural - Changed these rules: IS_NOUN_verb_article-adj_adj-noun-singular_noun-plural" IS_NOUN_modifier_noun-singular IS_VERB_auxiliary_verb - Changed IS_NOUN_to-than_number_noun-plural_a-each-per_noun-singular to IS_NOUN_preposition_number_noun-plural_a-each-per_noun-singular - Changed IS_NOUN_to-than_number-decimal_noun-plural_a-each-per_noun-singular to IS_NOUN_preposition_number-decimal_noun-plural_a-each-per_noun-singular grammar-ste3-2014-04-14.xml - Changed rule STE_RULE_2_1_NOUN_CLUSTERS - Added psi to rule NOT_SI_UNIT - Added a rule for p.s.i. 2014-04-02 disambiguation-projectterms.xml - Corrected the postag for rule PROJECT_TN_NOUN_PLURAL_1_WORD - Added 'conform to' and inflections to PROJECTTERMS_TVb_2_WORD_FOR_CORRECT_EXAMPLES (the keyword is approved in STE6 rule 1.3.13.c) - Changed the terms in PROJECT_TN_ADJECTIVE_1_WORD disambiguation-ste3-2014-04-02.xml - Added these rules: IS_NOUN_noun-not-verb-TN1_noun-not-verb-TN2 IS_NOUN_noun-TN1_noun-TN2-not-verb IS_NOUN_noun-singular-apostrophe-s-noun-TN1_noun-TN2 IS_NOUN_noun-singular-apostrophe-s-noun IS_NOUN_refer_to_table_digit-letter IS_VERB_make-sure-that - Added rulegroup NOUN_PROPER_MATHS for better disambiguation of mathematical formulae as an alternative to the exceptions in the grammar file - Changed these rules: IS_NOUN_verb-auxiliary_verb_noun-plural IS_VERB_personal-pronoun_verb-base-past IS_VERB_start-of-sentence-or-clause_verb IS_VERB_start-of-sentence_verb-2-word - Changed rules in rulegroup NOUN_PROPER_WEBSITE_ADDRESSES - For better disambiguation, madee menu sequences a proper noun as an alternative to immunization. Changed rulegroup IMMUNIZE_MENU_SEQUENCES to NOUN_PROPER_MENU_SEQUENCES grammar-ste3-2014-04-02.xml - Added some non-English punctuation symbols to rule NOT_STANDARD_PUNCUTATION - Corrected rule STE_RULE_1_11_TVb_AS_VERB-1-word-terms - Added these rules: STE_NOT_APPROVED_lets_LET-S STE_APPROVED_KEYWORD_INCORRECT_SPELLING_grey_GREY 2014-03-18 disambiguation-projectterms.xml - Added rule PROJECT_TN_NOUN_SINGULAR_1_WORD with these keywords: copyright, keyboard, password disambiguation-ste3-2014-03-18.xml - Changed the location of &ProjectTermsDisambiguationRules; so that project terms are included in the rulegroup STE_TN_NOUN-PROPER. - Changed rule IS_NOUN_article_noun-singular to prevent false negatives for multi-word TN (examples: thrust reverser, instrument test). - Changed rule IS_VERB_personal-pronoun_verb-base to IS_VERB_personal-pronoun_verb-base-past and added past tense examples. - Changed these rules: IS_VERB_DO_verb IS_NOUN_noun-singular_noun-plural_verb-base IS_NOUN_noun-singular_noun-singular_adverb-conjunction-punctuation - Added rule IS_NOUN_this-noun - Added keywords to rule STE_APPROVED_ALTERNATIVE_SPELLING - Removed rule IS_NOUN_noun-TN1_noun-TN2_adverb-conjunction-punctuation - Added these rules: IS_NOUN_article_noun-TN1_noun-TN2-verb_aux IS_NOUN_article_noun-singular-TN1-TN2_verb-3rdpers IS_NOUN_article_noun-plural-TN1-TN2_verb-base grammar-ste3-2014-03-18.xml - Added rules to category "Rule 1.14 use consistent spelling" for the new keywords in disambiguation rule STE_APPROVED_ALTERNATIVE_SPELLING - Added rule STE_APPROVED_POS_heading_HEADING 2014-03-06 disambiguation-ste3-2014-03-06.xml - Changed the POS of 'newer' to STE_INFLECTION_NOT_APPROVED_ADJECTIVE. - Removed rule STE_ADJECTIVE_1_WORD and added these 3 rules: STE_ADJECTIVE_1_WORD_BASE STE_ADJECTIVE_1_WORD_COMPARATIVE STE_ADJECTIVE_1_WORD_SUPERLATIVE grammar-ste3-2014-03-06.xml - Added more rules from Kohl's 'Global English Style Guide' to the existing rules. - Added 'newer' as not-approved inflection. - Corrected some rules in APPROVED_TN_INCORRECT_SPELLING and added some examples. - Added the rulegroup APPROVED_TVb_INCORRECT_SPELLING 2014-02-28 grammar-ste3-2014-02-28.xml Added rules from Kohl's 'Global English Style Guide' for these guidelines: - Guideline 9.10: Eliminate obscure foreign words - Guideline 9.11: Eliminate unnecessary Latin abbreviations 2014-02-22 sample-text-for-ste-term-checker.txt - Changed uppercase text to lowercase text to prevent the term checker from identifying some uppercase text as a proper noun. disambiguation-projectterms.xml - Removed 'download' and 'upload' and their inflections. These verbs are now in disambiguation-ste3-2014-02-22.xml as Technical Verbs. disambiguation-ste3-2014-02-22.xml - Added 2 rulegroups for Technical Verbs for computer processes and applications (STE issue 3 rule 1.10.2): STE_TVb_1_WORD STE_TVb_2_WORD grammar-ste3-2014-02-22.xml - Changed the grammar rules for the keywords that can be used at Technical Verbs for computer processes and applications. - For the applicable keywords in these categories, added exceptions to ignore proper nouns: Rule 1.2 STE Dictionary: use a keyword with the approved POS Rule 1.3 approved meaning - Changed STE_RULE_3_1_ING-1-word to find undefined nouns that end in 'ing' (examples: closing, firing). - Changed STE_RULE_1_1_USE_APPROVED_WORDS-NOT_APPROVED_PRESENT_PARTICIPLE-1-word-terms to find undefined nouns that end in 'ing' (example: chafing). - Changed STE_RULE_1_11_TVb_AS_VERB-1-word-terms to ignore Technical Verbs that are also not-approved verbs (example: run). 2014-01-27 disambiguation-ste3-2014-01-27.xml - Added these rules: IS_VERB_to_verb-base_pronoun IS_NOUN_had_noun-singular-non-count - Corrected these rules: IS_NOUN_verb-base_noun-plural IS_VERB_start-of-sentence-or-clause_verb IS_NOUN_verb-base_noun-non-count-singular - Added foci as a plural of focus. - Changed many rules in rulegroup STE_TN_NOUN-PROPER. grammar-ste3-2014-01-27.xml - Added the rulegroup APPROVED_TN_INCORRECT_SPELLING to the Setup category. - Added the exception IS_NNP to the rule STE_RULE_2_1_NOUN_CLUSTERS. The rule now ignores proper nouns. - Changed the rules for 'focuses' and 'focusses' 2014-01-08 Added a licence section. ASD-STE100 trainers can contact TechScribe for a free licence that lets them use the term checker for ASD-STE100 issue 6 in Simplified Technical English training courses. disambiguation-ste3-2014-01-08.xml - Added these rules: IS_VERB_to_verb-2-word-base_particle STE_TN_NOUN_PROPER_word-uppercase_word-uppercase_word-uppercase - Added exceptions to prevent a token for a verb from having more than 1 IS_VERB postag. - Added these TN: cubic; square; triangular; rectangular; grammar-ste3-2014-01-08.xml - Added a category name="Setup" that helps you to customize the term checker. 2014-01-03 A term checker for ASD-STE100 issue 6 is now available. disambiguation-ste3-2014-01-03.xml - STE_TN_NOUN_SINGULAR_1_WORD_CASE_SENSITIVE_PREFIX-SYMBOL_UNIT-SYMBOL added exception for the words 'am' and 'as'. - STE_TN_NUMBER_ORDINAL added missing ordinal numbers. - Changed rulegroup STE_TN_NOUN_SI_UNITS to include rules for these: * Units that are not SI units, but which are used with SI units. * TN keywords 'bit' and 'byte' and prefixes for binary multiples. - Removed redundant rules IS_NOUN_have_noun-singular-non-count and IS_NOUN_have_noun-plural and added HAVE and inflections to the lexical verbs. grammar-ste3-2014-01-03.xml Simplified the interface to some rules so that negation is not a separate rule. 2013-10-28 Changed the structure of the XML files. Now, all the term checker files are outside the LanguageTool installation. Refer to Changed the file name conventions. disambiguation-ste3-2013-10-28.xml - Added rule IS_NNP_NOT_IN_STE 2013-09-10 disambiguation-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-09-10.xml - STE_TN_NOUN_SINGULAR added week, month, year. Similarly for plurals. - Added all SI derived units ( as TN. - Made large changes to the disambiguation rules. There are now more false positives, but there are no false negatives. grammar-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-09-10.xml - Changed rule STE_RULE_3_2_EMPHATIC_DO - Added these rules: id="STE_APPROVED_MEANING_fall_FELL" id="STE_APPROVED_MEANING_fall_FALLEN" - Added the rulegroup id="RULE_1_14" 2013-08-05 Changed sample-text-for-ste-term-checker.txt to show more clearly the different problems that the term checker identifies. disambiguation-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-08-05.xml - Corrected the rule MAKE_IS_NOUN, which contained IS_NNP. The error meant that in grammar.xml, the removal of the exception for IS_NNP had no effect. - In STE_INFLECTION_NOT_APPROVED_ADJECTIVE, added the not-approved inflections (clearer, clearest) of the approved adjective 'clear'. - Added a new rule STE_ADJECTIVE_DIGITS-HYPHEN-UNIT. Customize this rule for metric/imperial measurement and for your organization's preferred capitalization. - Added a new rule to disambiguate May (the month): STE_TN_NOUN_PROPER_MAY-MONTH-n - Added a new rule to disambiguate States (United States): STE_TN_NOUN_PROPER_UNITED-STATES - Changed rulegroup IMMUNIZE_WEBSITE_AND_E-MAIL_ADDRESSES to IMMUNIZE_E-MAIL_ADDRESSES. Moved the rules for websites to a new rulegroup NOUN_PROPER_WEBSITE_ADDRESSES. Website addresses are now classified as proper nouns. There is no validation of URLs. Optionally, to make sure that a URL is approved, add the URL in disambiguation-projectterms.xml and add a grammar rule that finds all URLs that are not approved. - Removed 'POS1_POS2_MISMATCH' from most rule IDs. For example, IS_NOUN_N_Vb_MISMATCH_article_noun_of-for is now IS_NOUN_article_noun_of-for grammar-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-08-05.xml - Added some examples to STE_RULE_1_1_USE_APPROVED_WORDS 2013-07-25 grammar-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-07-25.xml - Corrected an error in rule STE_RULE_1_1_USE_APPROVED_WORDS that was introduced in the 2013-07-24 version. (The 2013-07-24 term checker operates correctly, but testrules gives an error because the sequence of the elements 'url' and 'short' was not correct.) 2013-07-24 Changed the structure of the files to use external entities. Project terms are now separate from STE terms. Therefore, you can easily update the term checker. Use the new files disambiguation-projectterms.xml and grammar-projectterms.xml as templates for your Technical Names and Technical Verbs. disambiguation-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-07-24.xml - Added a set of rules in rulegroup STE_TN_NOUN-PROPER. The rules identify text that has uppercase initial letters as proper nouns. Use the rules with with grammar rule STE_RULE_1_1_USE_APPROVED_WORDS. - Removed rule IS_NOUN_N_Vb_MISMATCH_modifier_punctuation_noun because the rules in STE_TN_NOUN-PROPER are sufficient. grammar-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-07-24.xml - Changed rule STE_RULE_1_1_USE_APPROVED_WORDS to ignore proper nouns. Examples: London, Tuesday, January, Mike Unwalla, Illustrated Parts Catalog, Service Bulletin. If you do not want to ignore proper nouns, change the rule. Refer to 2013-07-14 disambiguation-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-07-14.xml - Added the external location of disambiguation.xsd. Refer to these documents: - Removed these terms as TNs: process; processes; recoil; grammar-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-07-14.xml - Added the external location of rules.xsd. - Added links from some rules to a discussion of the rule on - Added some missing rulegroups to make the XML more readable. - Corrected the rules for 'chafed' and 'failed' to prevent 2 errors for one problem. - In category 'STE writing rules', changed some rule names to make the purpose of the rule clearer. - To prevent false positives, changed the rules for these terms: delay; dust; gain; halves; note; notes; vent; vents; 2013-07-03 The rules operate correctly with LanguageTool 2.1 and LanguageTool 2.2. disambiguation-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-07-03.xml - Moved 'lights', 'orders', 'others' from STE_NOUN_PLURAL_1_WORD to STE_TN_NOUN_PLURAL_1_WORD. Also, moved the singular forms to STE_TN_NOUN_SINGULAR_1_WORD. - Added windier, windiest to STE_NOT_APPROVED_ADJECTIVE_1_WORD. - Added 'backs' to STE_NOT_APPROVED_NOUN_PLURAL_1_WORD. - In STE_INFLECTION_NOT_APPROVED_VERB_LEXICAL_PRESENT_PARTICIPLE, change taping to tapping. - Added missing terms to STE_INFLECTION_NOT_APPROVED_VERB_LEXICAL_PRESENT_PARTICIPLE: cancelling, de-energising, defuelling, digitising, energising, pressurising, refuelling. - Removed 'connection' from STE_NOUN_PLURAL_1_WORD. - Changed 'alkaline' from a noun to an adjective. Removed 'alkalines'. Added acid as an adjective. - Removed abbreviations, ordinal numbers, and cardinal numbers from STE_TN_NOUN_SINGULAR_NON_COUNT_1_WORD. - Moved 'centres' from STE_NOUN_PLURAL_1_WORD to STE_APPROVED_ALTERNATIVE_SPELLING. Similarly, 'centre'. - Changed id=STE_ADVERB_OF_MANNER_WORD to id=STE_ADVERB_OF_MANNER_1_WORD. Added the terms 'correctly' and 'manually'. - Changed id=IS_NOUN_N_Vb_MISMATCH_verb-base-3rdpers_noun-plural to id=IS_NOUN_N_Vb_MISMATCH_verb-base_noun-plural. - Changed the logic of many disambiguation rules. - Added new disambiguation rules. grammar-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-07-03.xml - Added the rule STE_NOT_APPROVED_back_BACKS. - Changed the name of STE_APPROVED_POS_rear-of_REAR-OF to STE_NOT_APPROVED_rear-of_REAR-OF. The content of the rule is the same, but STE does not explicity approve 'the rear of'. - Added the rulegroup id="RULE_3_3" name="Rule 3.3. Use the past participle only as an adjective". - Changed the rules in these rulegroups to find the structure with Technical Verbs: RULE_3_4, RULE_3_5. 2013-05-15 disambiguation-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-05-15.xml - Moved the comparative and the superlative inflections of the verb 'sure' from STE_NOT_APPROVED_ADJECTIVE to STE_INFLECTION_NOT_APPROVED_ADJECTIVE. grammar-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-05-09.xml - To prevent the term checker from showing 2 errors for only 1 problem, the rules for the verbs 'carry' and 'dress' are changed. Now, the verbs 'carry out' and 'dress out' show only 1 error each. 2013-05-09 disambiguation-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-05-09.xml - Changed the rulegroup REMOVE_UNWANTED_POS to prevent incorrect disambiguation. (This rulegroup was accidentally removed in the 2013-05-07 version.) - Added a set of rules (MAKE_DEMO_MISMATCH.*) to create an 'incorrect' example for the new grammar rules DISAMBIGUATION_ERROR.*. - Removed these rules because they are not correct: * IS_VERB_N_Vb_MISMATCH_noun_verb-3rdpers_not-verb * IS_VERB_N_Vb_MISMATCH_verb-3rdpers_adverb_not-verb grammar-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-05-09.xml - Added a rulegroup DISAMBIGUATION_ERROR_POS_MISMATCHES. The rules finds terms for which the term checker gives more than one part of speech. For example, if the term checker gives a term the postags IS_NOUN and IS_VERB, then the disambiguation rules are not correct. - Changed the rules for 'color code' and related terms to prevent duplicate error messages. 2013-05-07 disambiguation-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-05-07.xml - Changed postags from STE2 to STE. - Changed rule IS_VERB_N_Vb_MISMATCH_start-of-sentence-or-clause_verb to give better disambiguation. grammar-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-05-07.xml - Changed postags from STE2 to STE. - Added missing rules for 'apparent' and 'using'. 2013-04-16 disambiguation-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-04-16.xml - In rule STE2_NOT_APPROVED_VERB_LEXICAL_PRESENT_PARTICIPLE: * Corrected the incorrectly spelled keywords (diming, griping, retiming, split-pining, striping). * Added keywords for alternative spellings. - Changed the name of rule IS_NOUN_N_Vb_MISMATCH_noun_of-for to IS_NOUN_N_Vb_MISMATCH_sentence-start_noun_of-for. - Added a new rule IS_NOUN_N_Vb_MISMATCH_article_noun-singular_noun_of-for. grammar-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-04-16.xml - Added a rule for 'gotten'. 2013-04-08 disambiguation-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-04-08.xml - Corrected the keywords that had an incorrect part of speech. - Added comparative and superlative not approved adjectives: damp, noisy, secure, slack, slushy, soapy, windy. grammar-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-04-08.xml - Added Rule 1.4 for adjectives. 2013-04-04 The new rules operate with LanguageTool 2.1 only. disambiguation-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-04-04.xml - Changed the order of PROJECTTERMS and added notes to explain their use as templates. - Removed incorrect immunization for some multi-word TN. - Updated the rules to operate correctly with LanguageTool 2.1. grammar-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-04-04.xml - Added rules to identify present participles: * Approved verb, but the present participle is not approved. * Not an approved verb and also the present participle is not approved. 2013-03-16 disambiguation-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-03-16.xml - Corrected the keywords that had an incorrect part of speech. - Added missing keywords. - Added a rulegroup to ignore file names, extensions, and paths (id="IMMUNIZE_FILE_NAMES_EXTENSIONS_PATHS") grammar-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-03-16.xml - Rule 1.1 now does not show an error for basic mathematical formulae. - Removed these category names and put the rules in other categories: "STE2 Dictionary: miscellaneous rules" "STE2 Dictionary, special: post-, pre-, re" 2013-02-01 disambiguation-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-02-01.xml - Corrected the rules for e-mail addresses (id=IMMUNIZE_E-MAIL_ADDRESSES). Now LT does not identify most e-mail addresses as unknown terms. 2013-01-24 disambiguation-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-01-24.xml - Added 'untouched' and 'ambiguous' examples to the XML rules ( - Changed the structure to minimize a keyword from being assigned more than one IS_X POS - Removed redundant rule id="IS_NOUN_N_Vb_MISMATCH_verb-base-3rdpers_noun-singular-non-count" - Added new POS 'STE2_TN_NOUN_2_WORD_SINGULAR_x' - Added new rules to make the disambiguation give better results. grammar-en-asdste100-issue3-2013-01-24.xml - Added Localization Quality Types to some rules ( 2012-11-20 disambiguation-en-asdste100-issue3-2012-11-20.xml - Corrected some errors in the disambiguation rules. - Clearer disambiguation because each rule gives a different temporary pos (example: IS_VERB7a). - STE2 2-word lexical verbs, the second POS is now VERB_PARTICLE (same as project TVb). - Added rulegroup IMMUNIZE_MENU_SEQUENCES - New rule to find a number at the start of a sentence (for procedures). grammar-en-asdste100-issue3-2012-11-20.xml -Added new postags. 2012-11-02 disambiguation-en-asdste100-issue3-2012-11-02.xml - Rules STE2_NOT_APPROVED_VERB_LEXICAL_1_WORD_BASE, STE2_NOT_APPROVED_VERB_LEXICAL_1_WORD_3RDPERS_SING, STE2_NOT_APPROVED_VERB_LEXICAL_1_WORD_PAST, and STE2_NOT_APPROVED_VERB_LEXICAL_1_WORD_PAST_PARTICIPLE had a small number of incorrect inflections. The inflections are now correct. 2012-10-26 Initial release